Pregnancy Decisions from the Heart- A Guide for Parents

What does your pregnancy look like when your head and your heart are not in alignment? How does your body feel?
It might look something like this.... You think you know what's good for you, but you can’t really feel that it’s good for you. You are always in your head... trying to figure things out....
Hey, sometimes it is appropriate to think through your situation. But when it comes to being present within yourself and your choices, if your heart is not weighing in on the conversation, your decisions will be one-sided. They might be logical, but they lack that full-body-yes feeling.
Go for the Full-Body-Yes
A full-body-yes feeling is when you know in your body, mind, and soul that you are making a wise decision. This type of decision-making comes up a lot when you are planning your birth, choosing a care provider, writing your birth plans, and making serious parenting decisions.
Learning to develop hear-centered life/birth/parenting decision-making is an art and a skill that requires cultivation. Cultivating the full-body-yes feeling leads to living/birthing/parenting authentically and courageously.
In my life, I’ve made a commitment to myself to stay heart-centered and authentic. I actively check in and listen to my stronger, wiser self. I am nurturing a deep relationship with myself and my heart, and as this relationship deepens, my life unfolds in beautiful and profound ways.
Find Your Heart-Centered Life and Pregnancy
Can I ask you something?
If your heart could speak, what would it say to you right now? When your heart has a message for you, how do you “hear” it? Have you stopped recently to listen? How would your life/birth/parenting be different if you connected to your heart on a daily basis?
Why not do it now?
Seriously, it will only take a few minutes. You'll be glad you did!
Listen here:
Read below:
Let's begin by getting comfortable in your seat. Take a nice, big, cleansing breath. Begin to breathe, slowly and deeply, in and out. Gently place your hands over your heart. Focus on your breath awareness as you breathe through your heart space. Breathe in and out, slowly and deeply, though your heart space. Now ask your heart for a word, image, phrase, or message. Be patient and open. Simply allow the message to come to you. It does not have to be logical or make sense; it doesn't even have to be positive. There is no judgment. Simply allow your heart word to be what it is. |
Once you "hear" your heart word, acknowledge it and give yourself some gratitude for taking the time to listen to your stronger, wiser self. As you move through your day, you can stay connected to your heart by bringing it to everything you do.
Hawthorn - The Heart Centered Herb
Hawthorn is a small, thorny tree that has a long history of medicinal use in Europe, China, and North America. It is a member of the Rose family. The leaves, flowers, and ripe berries of Hawthorn taste great and are easily consumed in teas, infusions, and tinctures and are very high in vitamin C.
Hawthorn is medicine for the heart on all levels, and it's also great for pregnant and nursing moms.
Consistent, long-term use of hawthorn is especially recommended for aging hearts, weak hearts, damaged hearts, and those with hypertension, angina, arrhythmia, or broken hearts from love loss.
On an emotional level, hawthorn helps open the heart to giving and receiving love, and can help in healing heartache. It encourages self-love and self-acceptance, as well as develop courage. Living life courageously is truly living in a an open-hearted state of being.
Sweet Heart Tea Blend
1 part rose petals
1 part tulsi
1⁄2 part rose hips
1⁄2 part hawthorn berries
1⁄4 each: ginger root, cinnamon & vanilla bean
pinch cardamom

Enjoy your heart centered pregnancy! Live, birth, and parent as your most authentic self.
Do it for yourself, for your children, and for the world!
And I'd love to hear from you! How do YOU stay heart-centered and authentic? What is at stake if you don't?
I hope this supports your pregnancy decision making and anchors you in your truth.
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