Hospital Bag Checklist

Most of us struggle to pack light for a weekend away. Packing for night or two at the hospital, while you’re giving birth, and then when you have a new addition to the family can be more than overwhelming!
- What do you need?
- What does your birth support person need?
- What does your baby need?
The possibilities can seem endless and challenging to navigate. Before you know it, you’ve got three bags full, including half of your baby’s newborn wardrobe.
So what do you actually need to pack in your hospital bag?
Let's break it down and create a hospital bag checklist for planned labors, planned C-sections, and planned home births in case of transfer.
Hospital Bag Checklist for Labor and Birth
If you’re hiring a doula, you’ll want to talk to her about the things you need to bring and what she will bring. Most likely, she’ll come with most of the relaxing and coping tools that you will use. If not, here are some compact things you might want to bring:
- Massage oil
- A tennis ball for rolling massages
- A rebozo-style wrap for support and sifting techniques (sarongs work well!)
- Aromatherapy
- Earbuds or a small portable speaker
- Hot or cold packs
You’ll also need some basic personal belongings. (You and your partner)
- Wallet/ID
- Toiletries for you and your partner (just the basics: small toothpaste, toothbrush, dry shampoo, deodorant - you don’t want a stinky labor coach telling you what to do!)
- Swimming clothes for partner in case they get in shower or bath with you
- One change of clothes for each of you
- Socks!
- Protein or granola bars in case your partner can’t leave to get food
- Phone chargers
And some postpartum items for you:
- Comfortable, supportive underwear (you may or may not like the mesh underwear, but those will only last so long anyway)
- Nurtured Mother herbal tincture for afterpains
- Postpartum pads (padsicles for soothing ice packs right after birth, cloth pads if you would rather use those. The hospital should provide disposable pads while you are there.)
- A nursing bra or a nursing camisole, loose-waist pajama pants
- Breast pads
- Nipple Salve for early nursing
- Let There Be Milk! Breastfeeding supplement to start working on your supply
What to bring for your baby:
- 2-3 onesies or sleepers total (they will likely swaddle her up really well, but you might want one warm sleeper just in case)
- Socks
- Herbal Cord Care Powder to help the umbilical cord fall off faster.
- They will provide diapers, but if you want to use cloth exclusively you’ll want to bring some
- Don’t forget to have your carseat installed and ready to go!
Hospital Bag for Planned C-Sections
If you are having a planned C-section, you can omit the labor coping items, but don’t forget some of these in addition to the list above:
- Playlist
- Herbal Cesarean Recovery Spray
- Aromatherapy or calming tools for pre- or post-procedure anxiety
Transfer Bag for Planned Home Births
It’s always best to be prepared, so a small bag in case of transfer is good to have on hand even for a planned home birth. That way, if something happens, you will be ready for it without having to worry about what you’ll do next. And your partner can stay with you without having to run back home after the birth for things you need.
Make sure you have the postpartum and baby supplies from above, as well as:
- phone chargers
- toiletries
- a description of your prenatal care and home birth plans
- emergency home birth transport plan
In most cases, your midwife will transfer with you and take care of those details. Be sure you talk with your midwife about transfers and the way she handles them. The unknown adds worry and headache to circumstances that are already less than ideal. Get an idea of what you might expect now so that you can make informed decisions with confidence as needed if the situation arises.
I sincerely hope this post supports your empowered birth!
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- 10 Ways to Plan Your Blessing Way Ceremony
- How to Induce Labor Naturally and Safely
- Cesarean Sections: Risks, Prevention, and Herbs for Recovery
- Include Your Partner And Speak the Love Languages of Birth
- Hospital Bag Checklist
- Four Healthy Habits to Start on Your Baby’s First Day
- Self Care Must Haves for Labor
- What I Wish I Knew About Breastfeeding Before Baby Was Born
- Children at Birth- Should you have your kids with you when you give birth?
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- How to Plan or Prevent Pregnancy
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- What to Expect When Going Overdue
- Breastfeeding While Pregnant
- Journey into Motherhood
- 3 Pervasive Problems Pregnant & Postpartum Women Experience
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