Online Herbs For Kids Course

LESSON 9- Fevers

LESSON 9- Fevers

Fevers are nature’s way to rid the body of infection and are actually a sign of a healthy immune system. Fevers can be dangerous if they get too high or last too long. Children tend to run hotter that adults do. If your child’s fever reaches 103 F or more or lasts for several days, or if your child is less than 6 weeks old and has a fever of 100.4 F or higher, contact your medical provider.


Herbs can help you break your child’s fever in two different ways. Depending on how you use them, herbs can cool your child down or slightly warm him up, triggering perspiration and a subsequent lowering of body temperature.


Watch this playlist to learn about fevers and how to treat them naturally with herbs and hydrotherapy

Herbs for fevers


Some herbs are classified as febrifuges, meaning that they reduce fever. Febrifuges, such as Lemon Balm, Chamomile, Yarrow, and Elderberry, are considered cooling in action and are also nervine relaxants.


Other herbs are diaphoretic, meaning that they promote perspiration. They work with the body to raise the body temperature while simultaneously allowing the body to modulate it through the natural cooling mechanism of sweating. Hot teas or infusions enhance the diaphoretic effect. These herbs, including Ginger, Elderberry, and Thyme, are also relaxing to the musculoskeletal system, so people with a cold, flu, or respiratory infection often sleep better after taking them.


This next section offers you some remedies to help you bring down your child’s fever safely and naturally.


Remember, maintaining hydration is critical. Dehydration is the greatest danger of childhood fevers, not the heat of the fever.


chamomile for fevers

Make Your Own Fever Reducing Herbal Tea & Popsicles

Simmer Down Tea

Echinacea for fevers

Herbal Popsicles

Stock up on all the best Birth Song Botanicals herbal supplements for fevers.


Herbal supplements for children's fevers


* This information is for educational purposes only.  This is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any illness or disease.  If you are concerned about your child's health seek medical care.

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LESSON 8- Caring For A Cough

LESSON 8- Caring For A Cough

There is nothing like a dry hacking cough caused by a tickle in the back of your child’s throat or that heavy, wet cough that keeps the whole house up all night. If your child comes down with a cough, run through your wellness plan. Check what mucus-causing foods need to be eliminated—namely, wheat, dairy, and sugar—and what environmental changes can be made. Running a humidifier with essential oils helps put moisture back in the air so your child’s throat and sinuses won’t be so dry.


Watch my playlist to learn how to treat coughs and upper respiratory infections with herbs 

cough and lung congestion


Throat-soothing teas, herbal popsicles, and lozenges can make a world of difference when you’re dealing with a sore throat, cough, or sinus congestion. Read on for my recipes to help you offer your child relief and comfort.

Elderberry tea

Make Your Own Elderberry Syrup

Elderberry Syrup

elderberry syrup

Make Your Own Slippery Elm Lozenges

Herbal Lozenges

herbal decongestant for children


Children LOVE the taste of Children’s Respiratory Support Tincture! This sweet, glycerine- based tincture supports their respiratory systems and immune systems when they are congested and coughing.

Elderberry and Thyme are well- documented antiviral, antibacterial herbs that are gentle and safe for children’s delicate systems.

Wild Cherry Bark is an excellent expectorant that helps calm most types of coughs and is also an effective decongestant.

Children Respiratory Support is my go-to remedy, especially when combined with Children’s Healing Herbal Bath.

Children's Respiratory Support

Order Children's Respiratory Support



Children’s Healing Herb Bath is absolutely one of my favorite herbal blends for children of all ages! Whether you use it as a bath, steam, or gargle—or all three for maximum effectiveness—this blend is especially helpful for children experiencing uncomfortable respiratory congestion. It is so effective because it is blended with Thyme and Lavender, which are both powerful decongestant, anti-spasmodic, and antiseptic herbs that are still gentle and safe botanicals for children’s delicate systems. Even just these herbs’ lovely aroma is therapeutic. This is an incredibly comforting way to care for your child and facilitate a swift recovery.


In my practice, I combine Children’s Healing Herb Bath and Children’s Respiratory Support Tincture to combat lung and sinus congestion, throat soreness, and body aches. These remedies complement each other while supporting your child’s respiratory and immune systems.


Read on for directions on how to this lovely blend all 3 ways.


herbal bath steam and gargle for lung congestion


HERB BATH: Put herbs in cotton bag and tie securely. Boil water in a large cooking pot. Once boiling, place the herb sachet in the water, turn off the heat, cover, and let steep for at least 20 minutes. Fill your clean bathtub with warm (not too hot!) water, and pour the contents of the pot in, herb bundle included. Have your child soak for at least 20 minutes. He may love the bath or want to get out, so you may have to find creative ways to keep him in. Massaging the bundle will help release more healing properties into the water. This bath will promote a deep sense of relaxation and may make your child very sleepy when she gets out. So get her jammies on and get her to a warm, dry place to rest.


STEAM INHALANT: Make the bath as described above. Set the pot in a place that is comfortable for you and your child. The bathroom is a good place because it stays warm. To collect the steam, place a towel over your child’s head and encourage him to breathe deeply. Have tissues ready—you’ll need them. Please be careful, as you don’t want your child to get burned by the pot or the steam! Have him continue to inhale the steam until there’s no more.


GARGLE: For children old enough to gargle, scoop out a cup of the Children’s Healing Herb Bath from the pot and start to gargle. Make sure they get the tea on the sore part of their throats. Remind your child not to swallow the salty liquid! Gargle 1-3 times daily, or as needed.

Herb Bath

Get your bag of Children's Healing Herb Bath here



Healing Salve is so versatile, you can use it for all types of skin irritations. It’s an all-purpose ointment made of olive oil and beeswax infused with healing herbs. Plantain, Calendula, and Yarrow are well-known for preventing infection, reducing inflammation, and regenerating damaged tissue.


It’s the perfect thing to rub onto your child’s chapped lips and red, sore, runny nose to help relieve the pain and discomfort of the dry, cracked skin. It also helps prevent those nasty nose crusties from developing; in other words, it makes it easier and less painful for you to keep your child’s nose and lips clean and healthy, no matter how bad her cold is.


Healing Salve also works wonders with all manner of cuts, scrapes, scratches, bug bites, burns, and bruises, as well as rashes, including diaper rash.  Here's the link for you to order your jar.


Make this salve into a vapor rub by rubbing a little into the palm of your hand, then mixing in 1-3 drops of one or two essential oils, such as Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Lavender, or Rosemary. Rub this onto your sick child’s chest, throat, back, or feet, followed by a warm layer (shirt, socks, etc.) Do not apply to the face or hands, though.


* This information is for educational purposes only.  This is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any illness or disease.  If you are concerned about your child's health seek medical care. 

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LESSON 5- Stomach Ache / Colic

LESSON 5- Stomach Ache / Colic

Stomach aches can be caused from poor food choices, old food that has been left out for too long, food allergies, motion sickness, nervousness, bacteria, and or viruses.


You know the feeling when your belly starts to cramp up, a wave of heat rushes through your body, until your body some what violently forces you to purge what was in your stomach, then your body starts to sweat, then you become chilled as you finally start to feel better. Until the next wave comes. You try to remain as still as possible so you don't strum up another round. That feeling can sometimes be scary for little kids.


peppermint for stomach ache


What is a mom to do when her little one is feeling like this?


When there is gripping abdominal pains, gas, flatulence, and the need to eliminate our bowels 4 herbs come to mind immediately! They are Chamomile, Peppermint, Ginger and Fennel Seeds. These herbs can be made into a tea, or blended into a tincture like Stomach Soother.





Stomach Soother Tincture is a classic upset stomach remedy. It is great for relieving upset stomach and also makes a wonderful newborn colic remedy. Ginger, Fennel, and Peppermint are wonderful digestive herbs that work with your body to assist in digestion, aid in the expulsion of gas, and help relieve newborn colic.


newborn with colic


Keep this one around after the your baby’s colic subsides, though; the uses for Stomach Soother Tincture span across every life stage, from infancy to childhood, and beyond.


It is the #1 tincture for children with an upset stomach and indigestion.  It is especially helpful when the vomiting child is fearful, whiney, restless, and/or has a fever.


kid with stomach ache


Get your bottle of Stomach Soother today!


stomach soother with peppermint for children's tummy aches




When you want to offer your child something comforting, offer your child a peaceful moment and a quiet, comfortable night.


This tasty, glycerine-based tincture is blended with relaxing Chamomile and Catnip, herbs that are classified as nervines and febrifuges. Nervines are soothing and relieve tension. Febrifuges are cooling and help regulate body temperature by reducing fevers. Chamomile is high in calcium and is well-known for easing growing pains and toothaches.


chamomile peaceful and focused

Children’s Tranquility Tincture is wonderfully relaxing for a sick or teething child who is experiencing discomfort and feeling feverish.


Now colic is not a childhood illness per say, but it does come up frequently in my herbal practice.


Colic is a somewhat vague condition in babies generally described as inconsolable crying believed to be caused by gas and bloating. Often, though, the cause of colic is unknown. It can be very difficult for parents to cope with a baby who screams for hours each day, especially when nothing they do seems to help. In this situation, I highly recommend turning to the herb Chamomile, which has been used for centuries to soothe the stomach, aid digestion, regulate bowel movements, and dispel gas.


Chamomile tea

For babies with colic, try giving 1/2 teaspoon Chamomile tea at room temperature every few hours, as well as a warm Chamomile herb bath followed by a tummy rub. Remember, timing is everything. You want to have the Chamomile in your child’s system before the inconsolable crying event.


Nursing moms can also drink Chamomile tea, then nurse. The therapeutic qualities will be expressed in the breast milk. So, have a nice, relaxing cup of tea for yourself, nurse your baby, then give a Chamomile herb bath (recipe follows) and follow it up with an infant massage. With time and patience, the colic symptoms should start to lessen.

Chamomile Herb Bath

* This information is for educational purposes only.  This is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any illness or disease.  If you are concerned about your child's health seek medical care. 

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LESSON 10- Congratulations you Completed Herbs For Kids Course!

LESSON 10- Congratulations you Completed Herbs For Kids Course!

Congratulations you've completed our Herbs For Kids Course!  

It is my sincere hope that you feel more confident including herbs in your families wellness plan.  Being the herb lover that I am, I hope you found a new favorite herb to try and learned how to make a remedy or two that will help you keep your kids happy & healthy this cough, cold and flu season. 


Before you go....


Listen to the full length audio recording of the course

Herbs for Kids Course Recording

I learn and retain information best when I read it and hear it. So, I recorded myself teaching you Herbs For Kids as if we were sitting together sharing a cup of tea together.  In the recording, I go deeper with the herbs and give real life examples of me thinking through childhood illnesses.  No, I am not simply reading the book out loud :)


Download your copy of Herbs for Kids Ebook

Herbs for Kids Ebook!


Echinacea for fevers 


Save on our Children's Herbal Collection

As a parent you need expertly formulated and professionally made herbal remedies gentle enough to be safe for your children and strong enough to be effective on hand before they get sick.


Now that you have learned so much about children's illnesses and how herbs can help your child feel better faster, I hope you are eager to get started making and blending herbal remedies in your kitchen.  I also know just how busy everyone is and the wisdom of having the herbal remedies ready to go at a moments notice.  


I created all the remedies in our Children's Herbal Collection from first hand experience, taking care of my son and lots of herbal training.  If you were to do that yourself it would take at least two months to make the tinctures, lots of time reading several books and taking more herb classes, plus you need to buy lots of herbs, jars, labels, have free time and a clean space to do it.  It will be a fun project for sure.  But, if you have limited time, space and money then consider getting our Children's Wellness Kit.  You need your herbal medicine cabinet fully stocked now - before they get that 2 am earache!



The herbal remedies in the kit are sold separately for $97.35.  I bundled them together and sell it retail for $87.00 but since you have gone through our course and you know the practical wisdom of having safe and effective herbal remedies on hand before your kids get sick. I am offering you the kit for $77!  That is a huge savings - A $20.35 savings to be exact!  That means you get a free product :)

Just use this coupon code when you check out: HERBSFORKIDS  

herbs for kids free online course 


I hope you and your kids stay happy, healthy, and wise this cold and flu season and all year long. 

Keep in touch, check out our Birth Song blog and Youtube Channel for more herbal wisdom for women and children and share this with your friends! 

Big Healthy Family Hugs,


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LESSON 7- Cold & Flu

LESSON 7- Cold & Flu

The common cold is really not too much to be concerned about unless it is recurring. Almost every child has had more than one. Colds can be inconvenient and uncomfortable, but they can also be seen as an opportunity to challenge and strengthen your child’s immune system. Colds also give us insight to a child’s overall health.


Watch our youtube play list of Safe Herbal Remedies For Children for videos about how to treat their cold and flu symptoms

safe herbal remedies for children


At the first sign of a cold, you want to start offering a lot of liquids, carve out some rest time, make a healthy pot of soup, and start gathering your immune-strengthening herbs. Echinacea is every effective if given at the right time with proper amounts. At first sign of a cold or flu, start giving double doses of a simple Echinacea tincture every hour until symptoms subside. 


Tincture dosage chart for children

I do not want to minimize just how sick a child can get with the flu. You may want to seek medical advice if you suspect that your child truly has influenza. In the meantime, gather your herbs and start making these teas.


Make Your Own Immune Boosting Herbal Tea

Immune Booster Tea

Echinacea to support children's immune systems during cold and flu season


Children’s Immune Boost Tincture is an excellent way to boost, strengthen, and support your child’s immune system when she needs it most!


Children love this tincture’s spicy sweet taste. Children’s Immune Boost is alcohol-free and formulated with natural antibiotic and febrifuge herbs, including Echinacea, Ginger, Oregon Grape Root, and Yarrow.

children's immune boosting herbal supplements for cold and flu symptoms


Children’s Immune Boost Tincture works naturally with the body to promote well-being and restore health by cooling the body when it runs warm.


Children’s Immune Boost Tincture is the perfect companion to Children’s Daily Immune Tincture. Children’s Immune Boost gives kids that extra BOOST to feel better and Children’s Daily Immune Tincture strengthens their immune systems before they catch that bug!


herbal tinctures for children

Stock up on these tinctures today!



* This information is for educational purposes only.  This is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any illness or disease.  If you are concerned about your child's health seek medical care.

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LESSON 6- Earaches

LESSON 6- Earaches
Earaches hurt so bad! Children under 4 years old have frequent earaches because their ear canals are not completely formed yet and cannot completely drain. So, when they get congested or have a head cold, the mucus becomes trapped in their ear canals. The moisture and mucus begins to grow bacteria and an infection can quickly take hold.

I know from personal experience just how serious ear infections can be. As a child, I suffered from multiple painful infections, countless visits to the ear doctor, antibiotics, and surgeries. I have permanent hearing loss as a result. If ear infections are mistreated or taken lightly, they can spiral out of control and leave long-term damage.


About half of ear infections in the U.S. are caused by bacteria and the other half are attributed to viruses and allergies. Antibiotic treatment can be helpful for acute bacterial infections. Having said that, something to keep in mind about antibiotics (anti-life) is that they can eliminate the beneficial bacteria as well, resulting in a greater depression of the body’s ability to fight off infections. Oftentimes, children experience multiple recurring earaches. The overuse of antibiotics perpetuates the creation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Choosing natural remedies for common illnesses instead of antibiotics is actually better for both your child’s health and global health. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria is a serious global health issue.


Watch this playlist of in-depth videos about how to treat painful earaches with herbs.

Earache Playlist on Youtube


Earaches: What to Look For

When you notice the first signs of an earache, begin your wellness plan right away. Be on the lookout for coughs, colds, congestion, runny nose, fever, and excessive pulling or rubbing of the earlobes, accompanied by irritability and fussiness. When an ear infection has taken hold, your child will let you know by awakening in the middle of the night, crying, and pulling on her ears. It is moments like these that you need to have your remedies on hand.


An essential piece of your wellness plan is avoiding all potential allergens and mucus-causing foods, such as wheat, dairy, eggs, orange juice, sugar, and processed foods.

herbal earache relief oil

Giving probiotics several times daily is helpful. It is imperative that your child stay hydrated. Along with giving our Earache Relief Oil (or make your own using the recipe below), you can offer a decongesting tea and vapor rub, and apply warm, dry heat to comfort the ear. An Echinacea and Oregon Grape Root tincture such my Children’s Immune Boost can also be helpful. 

 herbal decongestant for lung support tea



 Children appear to recover quickly. In the day they may want to get out and play, but in the night they are up crying in pain. It is our job as parents to create a healing environment in our homes. If you do not want your child to relapse, consider keeping him at home where he can play but not overdo it. Sick kids need their rest. If you must get out of the house, don’t let your child out in the cold, windy air without a hat or ear muffs to keep her ears covered and warm.


Immune Boost



Earache Relief Oil is Helpful For:

  • Swimmers Ear
  • Soothing the discomfort of inflamed tissue caused from infection
  • Battling the infection on contact
  • Clearing the ear from congestion and moisture 



How to Apply Earache Relief Oil

Have the person lay down on their side and have the painful ear facing up.   Apply a few warm drops of our medicinal herb infused Ear Ache Relief Oil into your ear.  To do this, gently pull down on the ear lobe to open the ear canal more, this way the soothing herbs can get to all the painful areas.  Softly massage the area around the ear.  Allow the oil to soak in for a few minutes before placing in a cotton ball.  Be sure to add Ear Ache Relief Oil to both ears.  Be mindful not to touch the infected ears with the dropper.  You don't want to contaminate your bottle.  Also, do not apply oil to the ear if you suspect a perforated eardrum.



How to Warm Earache Relief Oil

Warming the oil is easy.  Pour hot water into a small pot or tea cup.  Place Earache Relief Oil into the hot water. Let soak for a few minutes to warm up but not be too hot that the oil will burn.  Test the oil first before placing it into your ear.  To test the oil temperature drop 1-2 drops on your wrist like you test a baby bottle.

Cold oil will not feel as soothing and may cause dizziness.  

Shake well before using. 


Suggested Use for Earache Relief: Apply 3-5 drops into affected ear and plug with cotton. Repeat every 3 hours or as needed. Best if oil is warmed first, but be mindful not to burn the ear.


Make Your Own Herbal Ear Oil

Herbal Ear Oil

* This information is for educational purposes only.  This is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any illness or disease.  If you are concerned about your child's health seek medical care. 

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LESSON 3 -Let’s Meet The Herbs

LESSON 3 -Let’s Meet The Herbs

 Becoming Friends with Herbs

Plants and herbs are such givers. They give us our food, medicine, building material, and oxygen to name just a few of their many gifts. We as herbalists are fostering a relationship with the plants. Your herbal practice will be exponentially improved if you approach the herbs as friends or allies. Each plant has therapeutic properties, much like the skills and talents that people possess. If you understand an herb’s skills and talents, you will be better able to utilize it in your formula.


When you are buying herbs, please buy organic. Yes, they cost a little bit more, but your investment in high-quality herbs will not only improve the efficacy of your remedies, but also the condition of the soil in which the herbs were grown. Every time you buy organic, you are making a consumer decision to improve our environment and the herbal industry. There are several online herb stores, I prefer going to my local natural foods store so I can see, touch, smell and taste the herbs before I buy them.


Another consideration when purchasing your herbs is to make sure you do not buy too much so they don’t go to waste. But on the other hand, you want enough on hand so that when you need them, they are there. I recommend starting with 2-3 ounces of each herb that you are working with.

 herbal labeling and storage

Storage and Labeling

Storage is a consideration as well. Store your herbs in a child-safe place so that young children cannot get into them. You want to place your herbs in an airtight glass jar away from direct sunlight. The sunlight will bleach them and they will lose their potency. Plastic may leach carcinogens into your herbs and you don’t want that, either.

Labeling your herbs is an absolute must. It is impossible to remember what’s inside all those jars! On the label, include the name of the herb and the date you purchased it.

herb journal

Important Record-Keeping

Accurate record keeping is essential to a successful herb study. Soon you will be crafting and creating herbal products for your own herbal apothecary. Whether you are creating a remedy for the first time or making it again for the tenth time, keep track of it in your herb journal. Writing down your herbal ideas, products and recipes will give you a valuable reference tool. Proper record-keeping of all your products will ensure that you are able to repeat your most-loved remedies without repeating all the mistakes.

Materia Medica

Anise Seed

Astragalus RootCatnipChamomileEchinaceaElderberryGarlicLavenderLemon BalmLicorice RootMulleinOat StrawOregon Grape RootPeppermint & SpearmintSlippery ElmWild Cherry Bark


To click here to learn more about these herbs and all the herbs we blend in our products!

Children's Daily Immune


* This information is for educational purposes only.  This is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any illness or disease.  If you are concerned about your child's health seek medical care.

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LESSON 4- Herbal Remedies for Children's Cold and Flu

LESSON 4- Herbal Remedies for Children's Cold and Flu

Every year, American families miss countless days of work and school due to common childhood illnesses.  The health-care and pharmaceutical industries profit billions of dollars from the cycle of doctors’ visits, prescriptions, and over-the-counter drugs.


We know the cold and flu season is coming.  Let's prepare ourselves now!

By stocking our medicine cabinets with herbal remedies in advance, we can shorten an illness’ duration, avoid some illnesses altogether, and help our families return to work, school, and health.  Buying or making your herbal remedies ahead of time will save you time, money, and suffering in the long run.


In the following lessons, we’ll cover the most common childhood illnesses and numerous herbal remedies you can make at home or purchase from the Birth Song Botanicals collection.  You can feel good about giving your children natural, safe, and effective products that work with their bodies and help them heal. 

When your child is ill and needs you most, you want to have your remedies on hand.  You will be so proud of yourself for stocking your herbal apothecary ahead of time.


The recipes provided in this course are meant to be simple so you can create them in your kitchen without fancy equipment or expensive ingredients.  When you are making your remedies, remember to do so in the same manner you would when making a special gift for someone you love. Bring the same energy that you do when you cook and prepare a healthy meal for an honored guest.


These remedies are fun for you and your children to create together.   When we bring our children into the process, we are teaching them a lifelong skill and instilling a sense of self-reliance and connection to nature. These early experiences shape their love for health, healing, and nurturing others.  If we don’t teach them this, what will they learn instead? 



Word about Dosages

When I am determining the dosages of herbs, I take into consideration the child I am working with, the illness, the stage of the illness, the severity of the illness, and what herbs I am working with.  I rely on my intuition to guide me.  Let me clarify: I do not simply “guess;”  I work within a framework of experience, evidence, and knowledge, but sometimes the book recommends a small amount of tea when it feels appropriate and safe to give more.  Now that I have been working with herbs for more than 10 years, I allow myself to follow my intuition more.  Most definitely in the beginning, I did not.  I only followed the book to the letter.  But the more books you read, the more you realize there are many styles of herbalism and not merely one way.  I encourage you to get at least 3-4 good herbal books.  One solid reference book, one for children, and the other to match your personality.  You will find similarities and differences in how they dose.  With experience, you will find your comfort zone and eventually develop your own intuition. 


How to Read the Recipes

One last thing before we get started.  I’m providing you with recipes to make traditional herbal remedies.  You will notice that in this course I use “parts” in all my recipes.  A part can be any quantity.  For example, if I am working with teaspoons then 1 part will be 1 teaspoon.  If I’m working with cups, then 1 part will be 1 cup.  In a clinical setting, you would use grams or ounces as your unit of measurement.



Teas are organoleptic, which is to say, they stimulate our senses of taste, smell, sight, and touch all at the same time.  Brewing a good cup of tea is a simple art and an effective approach to dealing with acute and chronic health issues. 


The daily ritual of brewing a medicinal tea is more than just steeping a cup of leaves.  It becomes a promise to ourselves to take a moment to focus inward.  To brew a cup of tea is to invite the four elements—fire, water, earth, and air—into our bodies.


It is much easier to make your therapeutic-quality teas by the quart jar than to brew multiple cups a day.  You’ll find several recipes for medicinal teas in this chapter, but just to start, here’s my simple guide to making your own teas:

How To Make Tea

Tea Dosages

Watch this video for Everything You Need to Know About Herbal Tinctures 

In this video I cover all the topics about herbal tinctures such as shelf life, dosage and types of tinctures 48:27 minutes
Everything you need to know about herbal tinctures



Watch this video to find out about herbal extractions.  Which is best alcohol or glycerine?

21:44 minutes 

What are herbal tinctures



Watch this video to learn about the shelf life of herbal tinctures

14:29 minutes

Do herbal tinctures expire?


Watch this video to learn about tincture dosages for children and adults

17:58 Minutes

Tincture dosage guide


tincture dosage

Save big when you buy our Children's Herbal Wellness Kit


* This information is for educational purposes only.  This is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any illness or disease.  If you are concerned about your child's health seek medical care.

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LESSON 1- Finding Your Comfort Zone

LESSON 1- Finding Your Comfort Zone

Just How Often Do Kids Get Sick?

According to Dr. Aviva Romm, M.D., American children get sick as often as 10-12 times a year. That is one illness a month! You may have seen the cycle of a child getting a cough for a week or two. It clears up and a few weeks later he has an earache, then that clears up and he has allergies, and then a fever. It goes on and on. I was stuck in that vicious cycle with my son for a few years. His back-to-back sicknesses were exactly what motivated me to learn more about the healing properties of herbs, to teach a class on herbal medicine for kids, and to write the ebook and create this course.


Using Herbs With Children

One of the greatest challenges when working with children is that they cannot tell you how they are feeling; they cannot explain just how sick they are. As a parent, you become very observant and start to rely on your instinct when it comes to caring for your children. Often, their young, resilient bodies respond well to herbs and recover quickly.

 Astragalus Root

Safety Guidelines

Let’s start with a word about safety. First and foremost, this course is to educate and inspire. It is in no way intended to be taken as medical advice. I am not a physician. I do not treat, diagnose, or cure any disease. I am a licensed, certified professional midwife and a master herbalist.

In this course, it is my intention to share my personal and clinical experience with you. It is up to you to be responsible with the information. What you do with the knowledge you acquire from this course is completely up to you.

When you are first acquainted with herbs, I encourage you to start with the time-tested, tried-and-true herbs that we have all grown up with. Working with familiar herbs will feel more natural and comfortable for you. They will be easily obtainable and affordable. These herbs have histories of not hundreds of years use, but thousands of years, and during this time they have been an essential part of human health.

Safety is the primary goal, especially when you are working with small children. The herbs that we will cover in this course are gentle herbs. They work quite effectively on children’s delicate systems. Children tend to respond quickly to herbs. These herbs can be used with confidence for minor common childhood complaints such as colic, teething, coughs and colds, sore throats, earaches and infections, allergies, bumps, scrapes, and bruises. However, there have been cases in which a person has an idiosyncratic response to an herb. That is to say that the herb affected him or her differently than it does the majority of people. For example, valerian is a sedative. However, in a few people, it can be a stimulant.


herbs for children's cold and flu symptoms


Small Patch Testing

If allergies are a concern and you would like to test an herb on your child before you give it to her internally, you can make a tea of the herb. Soak a cloth in the tea and rub it into your child’s inner arm for about a minute. If within 24 hours you see any redness, puffy eyes, rashes, or tightness in the throat, then do not give that herb internally.

If you don’t notice any reaction, you can then give your child 1/2 teaspoon of the tea internally and wait to see if you notice any reaction to the herb. If you still do not notice any reaction, then you may proceed with your herbal protocol.


When to Seek Medical Help

Herbs are often my first go-to for any illness or complaint, but there are times when it is completely appropriate to seek medical advice. In an ideal world, you would have a care provider who shares your holistic perspective and that has met your child in a state of wellness, not just sickness.

I want to dispel the myth that herbal medicine and Western medicine are incompatible. There is no one system of medicine that fits every body and every situation. It is completely appropriate to integrate the two methods. When your child is sick and taking antibiotics, it’s not necessary to give antibiotic herbs—that would be redundant. However, you could give him teas that soothe a sore throat, improve digestion, and help him rest.



If your child...

Is not responding to the herbal treatments you have been using.

Shows signs of serious illness, such as fever above 103 degrees F, low-grade persistent fever, delirium, unconsciousness, hemorrhaging, or severe abdominal pain.

Is lethargic, weak, unresponsive, or difficult to awaken.

Complains of a stiff neck and is unable to touch her chin

to her chest—severe headaches may be signs of meningitis.

Has a bulging fontanel (on an infant).

Is less than 6 weeks old and has a fever of 100.4 F or higher.

❖ Has recurring ear infections.

Is dehydrated and has an absence of urine.

Signs of choking, has difficulty breathing, or turns blue.

Has red streaks on the skin emanating from a point of infection.

Has one or more bee stings or insect bites that cause an allergic reaction.

Has burns that are larger than twice the size of your child’s hand; burns that have become infected, or third-degree burns.


Inner Expert

You, the parents, are the expert of your child’s health. Yes, physicians and health care providers know tons about medicine, illnesses, and treatments. However, they do not know the subtleties of your child. They may not notice, like you will, that your child has been a little more clingy, grumpy, or whiny lately. You are the one to notice that he has not been eating like he normally does. You are the one to notice the redness under her eyes or the change in her energy level. All of these could be signs preceding an illness. I encourage you to hone in on these observations. This is a skill that you can cultivate. When you begin to notice the subtle changes, you can implement your wellness plan right away and start fighting the illness before it fully sets in.


Setting Time Frames

When working with herbs and a sick child, setting time frames is super important. Each person’s time frame will be unique to the individual situation and personal comfort zone. Some variables to consider will include how experienced and comfortable are working with herbs. How confident are you that the herbs will work and your child will recover? How sick is he? Is he showing signs of recovery, or getting worse? How long would it take to get medical help? What does your gut tell you to do?

I’m hesitant to offer exact time frames because each of us has a different level of comfort and experience dealing with sick children, as well as different access to health care. When you reach the end of your first time frame, it’s time to re-evaluate the situation and make a decision. Either you continue with your treatments and set another time frame, or you adjust your treatment strategy and set another time frame. Is it time to seek medical care or to change your treatment plan?


If in Doubt, Check it Out!

I am speaking here to the steadfast natural health community that has a resistance to the medical community. There is absolutely no harm in checking in with a trusted health care provider if you are concerned about your child’s health. So what if you go in, and the doc says, “It’s a virus; let it run it’s course, go home, don’t worry.” That peace of mind is worth millions! If you do go, I think it is always a good idea to write down the story of the illness. Include any and all related symptoms, times frames, and treatments that you have been administering.



* This information is for educational purposes only.  This is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any illness or disease.  If you are concerned about your child's health seek medical care.


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LESSON 2- Start With Wellness -Cooking with Medicinal Herbs

LESSON 2- Start With Wellness -Cooking with Medicinal Herbs

Start With Wellness

The health of our children is, as it should be, one of our greatest priorities as parents. We want the best for them, but sometimes we don’t quite know what to do, or how to break the cycle of perpetual sickness.


Life can be stressful for the modern family. Oftentimes, two parents are both working at their job, which consume most of their time. Single parents carry the entire load by themselves. Children are over-scheduled at school or daycare with little outside playtime. They are exposed to a plethora of pathogens. Due to a lack of time and money families are eating more processed food than ever. The American diet is filled with sugar, artificial colors, and preservatives. Food allergies are at an all-time high. More and more children are suffering from physical and emotional illnesses.


 herbs for kids


As you can see, the herbs are just a piece of our children’s health. Our lifestyle plays a huge role. If we stay in this cycle of stress, poor nutrition, overly scheduled busy days and not enough sleep, we cannot expect to just give a little echinacea tincture to our child once she’s child already sick, and see great results. What happens then is that child stays sick and the parents conclude that the echinacea did not work. So, herbs are dismissed as ineffective and the cycle continues.


Bolstering our children’s immunity takes constant diligence and effort. It requires that all the pieces fit together in order for their vitality to really shine! That’s why you are in this course: you want to let your child shine! Living and eating vibrantly every day can help your family stay healthy, but when you start to notice your child is falling ill, it’s really time to make a few dietary changes.

Food As Medicine


Cooking with Medicinal Herbs

In our family, food is our medicine. When the weather gets cooler, the teapot and soup pot stay on the stove. When a family member begins to feel like he or she is getting sick, we eat our medicinal herbs for dinner.


Let me share with you one of my favorite medicinal soups. It is delicious, nutritious, and incredibly easy to make. Cooking with medicinal herbs such as Astragalus is an excellent way to get “noncompliant patients” to take their herbal medicine. They don’t even know it is in there; they think they’re just eating dinner!


Astragalus is categorized as an adaptogen and an immunomodulator. Astragalus has a very long list of impressive qualities that include antioxidant, cardiotonic, diuretic, hypotensive, immunostimulant, and tonic properties. It is effective at preventing infections and restoring the body after an illness. However, Astragalus is not recommended during the acute stage of an illness or during a fever (Upton 2005). According to traditional Chinese medicine, Astragalus may make the fever last longer or become stronger. Long-term use of Astragalus is generally limited to one dose daily for one month. Astragalus has no serious side effects and is considered safe at recommended doses. However, it can interact with other medications and herbs. If you or your child is being treated with immune-suppressing medications, you should not take Astragalus (Romm 2012).

 Astragalus root


Ingredients: Astragalus Root, Ginger Root, Garlic, Onions, Shiitake Mushrooms, Arame Seaweed, Sweet Potatoes, Kale, Carrots, Broccoli, Miso Paste, and bone broth (or vegetable broth if you prefer).

My base is usually chicken broth, made from a whole chicken I baked a few days before. When I make the broth, I always add a lemon or lime to the water. The acid from the citrus helps pull the calcium from the bones, which enhances the nutritional value of the broth.

After straining the broth, I add ginger, garlic, onions, and astragalus root to my soup pot.

At this point, I begin to soak my seaweed in water. When it’s soft, I add it and the other vegetables to the broth.

Near the end, I add most of my spices for flavor and the kale or other dark leafy greens.

When the soup is finished, I remove it from the heat and add plenty of miso to flavor.

You can remove the Astragalus root before serving.

If your husband is like mine, you’d better add some spicy hot peppers! 



Our children’s lives are so FULL of activities and stimulation, even at a very young age. Parents are looking for creative ways to keep their kids healthy. It starts with diet, herbs for kids, sunshine, exercise, and plenty of rest. Herbs are vital components to our children’s immunity in our modern, fast-paced culture. Children’s Daily Immune Tincture is a great and easy way to support and strengthen children’s immune and respiratory systems to help keep them healthy.


Children’s Daily Immune Tincture is loaded with Astragalus, Echinacea, Anise Seed, and Rose Hips, which support the immune system and are safe for use as a daily tonic.


Children's daily immune boost tincture with astragalus

Children’s Daily Immune Tincture is the perfect companion to Children’s Immune Boost Tincture. Children’s Immune Boost gives kids that extra BOOST to feel better and Children’s Daily Immune strengthens their immune system before they catch that bug!


Order your bottle of Children's Daily Immune Tincture today


children's herbal immune boosters
* This information is for educational purposes only.  This is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any illness or disease.  If you are concerned about your child's health seek medical care.
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