Birth Song Botanicals

Children's Healing Herb Bath for Lung Congestion 3 in 1


Children's Healing Herb Bath 3-in-1 Bath, Steam, & Gargle is especially helpful for children with uncomfortable lung congestion that need relief fast.

Children’s Healing Herb Bath and Children's Respiratory Support Tincture are perfect companions if there is a lot of lung and sinus congestion, throat soreness, and body aches. Both remedies complement each other while supporting your child’s respiratory and immune systems.

Intended for children and babies of all ages from birth to beyond.

Children's Healing Herb Bath Suggested Use: 3-in-1, bath, steam, and gargle.

External use only.  It is safe to gargle with but not to swallow.

Ingredients: Sea Salt, Organic Thyme Leaf, and Organic Lavender Flowers.

Serving size: 1 full bath or several steams and gargles

Servings per container: 1 full bath or several small baths and steams

8 ounces net weight

The package contains a reusable cotton bag

Full detailed instructions about how to prepare the bath, steam, and gargle is included


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Produced at Birth Song Midwifery, 862 N. Cato Springs Rd., Fayetteville, AR 72701 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Herbs and herbal medicine have been used effectively for centuries, all over the world. However, herbs are not regulated by the FDA. Consult a trusted health practitioner before using these products if you have any serious medical conditions or are taking any medications.

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