
Aphrodisiac Herbs for Her

Aphrodisiac Herbs for Her

Real love starts with you and radiates outward in all directions!
Yoni Steam

Birth Song Botanicals Yoni Steam Herbs

Herbal Yoni Steams are a powerful ancient self-care practice used by women worldwide to support deep wellness, women's wisdom, herbal medicine, and feminine power. 


Yoni steams, also referred to as V steams, vaginal steams, pelvic steams, chai-yok, or bajo's, are a part of ancient womanly healing arts that are becoming popular again. Yoni steams are holistic self-care practices in which a woman allows the warmth of herbal steam to permeate the exterior of her vagina gently. 


Each steam of our collection represents a significant decision or life choice.  Choosing to be free from toxicity or choosing to invite a new lover, a new baby or to honor sacred rites of passage.  I invite you to prepare and experience your yoni steam as a ceremony and sacred act of self-love.


Explore which Yoni Steam is right for you.


Breastfeeding supplements

Breastfeeding Supplements

Increase Your Breastmilk Supply With Our Herbal Lactation and Breastfeeding Supplements

Birth Song Botanicals proudly supports nursing mothers by offering a variety of herbal lactation and breastfeeding supplements.  


A common concern new moms have is about their breastmilk supply.  Let There Be Milk! herbal supplement supports your body to make more breastmilk.  Lactation herbs are well known to increase breastmilk supply quickly and safely.  We have Let There Be Milk! in liquid herbal extract form (tincture) and we have it in liquid herbal capsule form for moms who don't like the taste and for ease of use.  They are the same herbal blend just in different forms. 


Nursing Nectar Herbal Breastfeeding Tea for lactating moms helps them stay hydrated, relaxed, and maintains an abundant supply of mothers' milk. 


We all need a good breastfeeding cream.  Our well-loved organic herbal Nipple Salve soothes cracked sore nipples caused by learning to breastfeed.  It is a must-have for nursing moms with nipple pain and thrush.

End of Year Sale

End of Year Sale!

We are closing out this year with the best sale ever on herbal teas, herbal baths, herbal tinctures, and herbal yoni steams!
Herbal bath

Herbal Bath Collection

Here you will find our collection of herbal baths to help you soak troubles away.  Each bath in our collection is blended with medicinal herbs for a specific purpose.  


Our Postpartum Herbal Bath supports new moms and babies after birth.  This herbal blend helps restore the torn and bruised vaginal tissues, as well as dry the infant's umbilical cord.


Our Children's Healing Herbal Bath is a 3-in-1 combination of a bath-steam-gargle to help clear lung fluid, congestion, soothe body aches and promote good sleep.


Our aromatic Cold and Flu Bath blended with eucalyptus is wonderful at opening congested lungs and nasal passages.  The herbs help support your body when you have cold and flu symptoms like body aches, coughs, headaches, and fever.



Our gorgeous Soothing Herb Bath is a universal bath that calms you when you are stressed, supports you when you are overwhelmed.   This bath is wonderful after a massage, or while you are processing intense emotions such as grief, fear, trauma, and pain of all sorts.




Fertility Supplements

Herbal Fertility Supplements For Women

All Natural Herbal Fertility Supplement

Birth Song Botanicals Menstrual Health & Fertility Supplement Collection is crafted with organic herbs to promote fertility naturally and safely, promote good sleep, daily wellness, stress relief, establish body awareness and self-love.  


Our female body is amazing and been researched a lot more than you would think over the decades. The power and "magic" of fertility and creation that comes with being fertile has been compromised by the many methods and mainstream messaging that our bodies are machines and if they don't perform exactly as we want them to they are failing us.  This messaging makes us want to control natural processes, get rid of all sensations, disconnect from our bodies, and make a baby right now.


Our best-selling Fertile Ground Liquid Herbal Supplement is a blend to support you to prepare for pregnancy by tonifying your uterus and increasing blood circulation to nourish your womb. 

Our Yoni Steam for Fertility promotes good circulation, tone and clears your uterus from toxins and stagnation. 

Woman's Balance Herbal Stress Relief Tea provides you with healthy vitamin-rich herbs that absorb quickly into your system supporting fertility and overall health and wellness.

Solid and Serene Herbal Anxiety and Stress Relief Tincture is here for you when you are feeling overwhelmed with all the intense feelings and emotions that accompany infertility.


Herbal First Aid

Herbal First Aid for the Whole Family

Our herbal first aid collection is ready to support you and your family in treating and caring for minor first aid cuts, scrapes, bruises, rashes, bug bites, and all sorts of owies!


Check out our:

  • Bug Sheild Essential oil bug repellant blend to keep those pesky bugs from biting. 
  • First Aid Powder to sprinkle on cuts to prevent infection, form a scab, and promote skin regeneration.
  • Antiseptic Wound Recovery Spray to cool burns, keep wounds clean, and improve skin conditions. 
  • Healing Salve can be applied everywhere on your body from head to toe. If it hurts, itches, or is bothering you rub some salve on it until it feels better!
  • Herbal First Aid Kit is a medicine bundle packed in a sturdy hemp bag.  It comes with basic first aid instructions and products appropriate for your entire family are all packed and ready to go with you on your next adventure. 
Gift Sets

Herbal Gift Sets for Women and Children

Our Herbal Gift Sets are bundled together with the whole woman in mind.  Our herb bundles span from fertility, menstruation, pregnancy, birth, postpartum recovery, cesarean birth recovery, grief and loss, immune health, stress relief,  and children's wellness.


Now we have more herbal gift sets than ever before!



If you are looking for a special baby shower gift for the naturally minded mom then we've got you covered.  We offer several gift sets to meet unique birth and postpartum recovery needs.  We understand that not all pregnancies and births are the same.  So we've bundled several different gift sets for you to choose from.  


Remember our commitment to quality is above and beyond the standards because we care about you, your family, and the planet. Our products are natural, safe, delicious, and effective. They are gluten-free, pesticide-free, free of anything artificial, made with food-grade ingredients, GMP certified, and beautiful!  It is our hope that our Birth Song Botanicals products become a part of your daily life, they make great gifts for yourself, family members, and your best friends. 


Grief and Loss Gift Sets

Herbal Grief and Loss Gifts

Our hearts wrap around you and your family as you process the loss of your baby and pregnancy.  The heavy emptiness that comes with miscarriage loss is beyond words.  Our hearts hold you in this tender space that is special for mothers whose babies come too soon.



Here you will find a collection of herbal teas, tinctures, baths, and steams that can comfort you and hold you as you recover.


When you are in the midst of such a painful experience it seems like nothing can help you.  Yet I'm here to remind you that the little things matter.  When you feel supported by your loved ones or even if you are alone let the herbs hold you.  Drink them, bathe in them, let their steam rise up inside you, taste sweet drops of herbal tincture on your tongue.  The herbs have a way of knowing just what to do to help you find your wholeness again.


Period Supplements

Herbal Period Supplements

Birth Song Botanicals Menstrual Health & Period Supplement Collection is crafted with organic herbs to regulate your menstrual cycle, support menstrual health, relieve painful period cramps, promote good sleep, daily wellness, establish body awareness and self-love.


Our female body is amazing and been researched a lot more than you would think over the decades. The power that comes with menstruation has been compromised by the many methods and mainstream messaging that our bodies are dirty, painful, and ugly.  This messaging makes us want to get rid of all sensations and disconnect from our bodies and menstrual blood.  


Our Herbal Period Supplements are at the heart and womb of Birth Song Botanicals. We blended organic herbs to create safe and empowering remedies for the problems associated with our periods. Such as painful period cramps, irregular periods, PMS symptoms, heavy periods, feeling depleted during and after your cycle, body pain, strong emotions, and disconnection.



Some of the herbal blends we recommend are Cycle Relief Menstrual Support Tincture for Painful Period Cramps.  Menstrual Harmony helps regulate an irregular cycle.  Good Night Relaxing Herbal Sleep Tincture will help you get the best night of sleep.  Honestly, your menstrual health is important to us because it is the gateway to your empowered birth, your empowered menopause, and ultimately your empowered life! 


Herbal skin care

Herbal Skin Care Products

Your skin is your largest organ and good skincare is so important for the following reasons: It helps your skin stay in good condition: You're shedding skin cells throughout the day, so it's important to keep your skin glowing and in good condition.

This is why we make a collection of herbal products.  We want to help you protect your skin and prevent it from scaring.  Our herbal salves are blended with organic herbs and food-grade ingredients, so you are feeding and protecting your skin.


Herbal Healing Salve is a first-aid ointment blended with herbs that help soothe itchy bug bites, rashes, and burns.  It is also great for tattoo recovery.


Herbal Diaper Salve soothes babies' sore red bottoms that are hot with diaper rash.  Herbal diaper salve cools and protects babies' delicate skin.


Herbal Nipple Salve is blended to help protect and soothe cracked, red, bleeding nipples from breastfeeding.  It is also a wonderful herbal salve to rub into your breasts and belly to protect yourself from stretch marks.


Our Herbal Cesarean Recovery Spray helps keep your C-section incision site fresh and clean. It is an herbal antiseptic spray that aids in your body's recovery process.


Herbal Cord Care Powder is intended to help dry your baby's wet, oozy umbilical cord so it can smell better and fall off faster.


Herbs thrive as first-aid allies. Our antiseptic Wound Recovery Spray is wonderful for keeping minor wounds clean. It is especially helpful for cooling sunburns. 


Herbal First Aid Powder is a potent blend of herbal restorative power in a bottle. Simply sprinkle a little of this powder onto minor cuts and bug bites, and watch your body create a natural scab and do what it is designed to do—restore, recover, and renew!



Stress and sleep

Herbal Supplements for Anxiety, Stress, and Sleep Support

All Natural Herbal Supplements for Anxiety, Stress, and Sleep Support can feel like lifesavers!

Let's be honest, our lives are stressful. Every day we go through the motions of what we think we are supposed to be doing.  When people ask how are you doing most of the time we say something like, "I'm good.  I'm really busy right now."   We know we need support but we don't always know what type of support we need or how to get it. 


You and both know there is a better way!  We can choose to be supported and receive what we need so we can rest and restore. 


Allow us to help you find deep and lasting serenity and peace.  



Herbs are here to support you as you navigate your modern lives.  Here at Birth Song Botanicals, we care about you and your well-being.  We want you to feel stable, sturdy, and capable even on your most challenging days.   


Our collection of herbal supplements to calm anxiety, stress, and promote sleep is filled with herbal teas, tinctures, and baths. 


Find your center and feel calm and peaceful with:

  • Solid and Serene Tincture
  • Tranquility Tea 


Nourish and feed your body, mind, and spirit:

  • Woman's Balance
  • Energizing Chlorophyll 


Relax and release the tension so you can sleep better:

  • Soothing Herb Bath
  • Good Night Sleep Tincture 
Immune Health

Herbal Supplements for Immune Health

Now more than ever we need strong healthy immune systems to carry us through these challenging and unprecedented times. 

Because we are overstressed, under-rested, and our immune system is constantly under attack from viruses, bacteria, and pathogens of all types. We created our Herbal Immune Health Collection is filled with trusted herbal remedies to keep you and your family healthy all year long.  Our herbal teas, tinctures, and baths are blended with echinacea, elderberry, thyme, and astragalus.   We don't just sell you the herbal product we teach and share our knowledge with you.  We have nearly a hundred herbal videos, blogs, ebooks, and courses for you to keep your family healthy like a pro.

Our organic glycerine tinctures are easy ways to give children the herbal medicine they need because they taste sweet and are easy to drop a few drops in their drink or food. 

Our delicious herbal teas are blended with immune-boosting and enhancing herbs to help clear lung congestion, soothe sore throats, moisten dry coughs, and lower hot fevers. 

Our Elderberry herbal cough remedy is what I rely on personally to keep myself and my family healthy all cough, cold, and flu season!

Herbal baths are great for melting away aches and pains and for clearing lung and sinus congestion when you are sick. 

See our blog and youtube channel to learn more about how to work with herbs to strengthen and support your immune system.

Herbal Tincture

Herbal Tinctures and Extracts

We have a vast collection of herbal tinctures and liquid extracts.  Here, you can see all of our tinctures in one place! (We have so many that you are going to have to scroll through two pages)

Here, you will find herbal tinctures and liquid extracts for every member of your family.

  • Anxiety and Stress Relief
  • Baby Shower Gifts
  • Cesarean Birth
  • Breastfeeding and Lactation
  • Children's Wellness
  • Digestive Aids
  • Fertility
  • Immune Support
  • Libido
  • Menstruation 
  • Newborns
  • Perimenopause
  • Period Cramps
  • Postpartum Recovery
  • Pregnancy
  • Sleep
  • Women's Wellness and Self Care


Herbs for Tai Chi and Qigong

Herbs for Longevity Tai Chi and Qigong

Feel the healing benefits of increased life force energy!
Let these simple herbal supplements support your entire body, mind, and spirit. 

Here you will find herbs to improve digestion, help you sleep, calm stress, anxiety, and boost your immune system.
Herbs for family wellness

Natural Remedies for The Entire Family

All Natural Herbal Supplements to Keep the Whole Family Healthy

Home is where the heart is.  The difference between a house and a home is our family.  Keeping our family healthy naturally is what we do best at Birth Song Botanicals. Our natural herbal products are blended to help everyone in your family thrive. 

We make a non-habit-forming herbal sleep aid so that you wake up feeling rested and energized.

Our Stomach Soothing herbal tincture is great for road trips to manage car sickness.  It is also good for all things related to indigestion, like gas, stomach ache, nausea, and vomiting.  

Healing Salve is one of the best all-purpose herbal salves for scrapes, burns, rashes, bites, bruises, tattoos, and all things irritating to the skin. 

We have a nice collection of herbal teas for a wide variety of occasions such as allergy relief, immune support, cold and flu relief, and daily wellness.

Herbal baths are great for melting away aches and pains and for clearing lung and sinus congestion when you are sick. 

Natural Supplements for Children

Natural Supplements for Children

We care about your children!

Children are at the heart of Birth Song Botanicals.  We make natural supplements to support healthy kids.  A healthy child is a happy child.  

Our natural children's herbal products are formulated as herbal antibiotics to boost kids' immune systems when they are sick and have fevers.  

Herbal cough remedies with Elderberry and Wild Cherry Bark to help with coughs, and lung and nasal congestion.

Herbal baths steam and gargles that help children clear their lungs and get the rest they need when they have a cough, sore throat, and need to sleep.

Herbs that help children settle down, quiet down, rest, and sleep better.

Herbs to help calm and soothe an upset stomach or a tummy ache.

Organic Loose Leaf Herbal Tea Blends

Organic Loose Leaf Herbal Tea Blends

Nourishing and Immune Supporting Herbal Teas for the Whole Family   

Nourishing herbal teas are at the heart of Birth Song Botanicals.  Many of our core values as herbalist and midwives is to support and nourish the body. Our bodies thrive when we have absorbable vitamins and minerals.  We blend nutrient-rich herbs like Nettle, Red Raspberry Leaf, Oat Straw, and Alfalfa into our Lady in Waiting Organic Pregnancy Tea and Woman's Balance Herbal Tea for wellness.

Supporting breastfeeding moms to make plenty of rich, healthy, and abundant breastmilk is our top priority!  Nursing your baby is a beautiful and demanding experience filled with many struggles and lasting benefits.  We know how important it is for you to be able to feed your baby from your breast.  Our Nursing Nectar Herbal Breastfeeding Tea is a blend of herbs that promote lactation, improve digestion and increase relaxation.  This combination of Fenugreek, Fennel, Chamomile, and Catnip helps relax the mother so she can digest and absorb her food, allowing her body to make tons of rich thick breast milk! 

Having a strong healthy immune system is essential!  We've created a tea collection to help clear lung congestion, fight flu viruses, and support the body's own ability to defend itself.  Our organic immune teas are blended with immune-strengthening herbs like Echinacea, Elderberry, Oregon Grape Root, Mullein, and Yarrow.  

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