Yoni Steaming Herbs

Discover the Power of Herbal Yoni Steams: Embrace Wellness and Feminine Power*


Herbal Yoni Steams are a powerful, ancient self-care practice used by women worldwide to support deep wellness, women's wisdom, herbalism, and feminine power.


Yoni steams, also known as V steams, vaginal steams, pelvic steams, chai-yok, or bajo, are part of the ancient womanly healing arts that are experiencing a resurgence in popularity. This holistic self-care practice involves allowing the warmth of herbal steam to gently permeate the interior of the vagina, promoting physical and emotional well-being.


Each steam in our collection represents a rite of passage, a significant decision, or a life choice—whether it's choosing to be free from a toxic partner or inviting a new lover or baby. Prepare and experience your yoni steam as a ceremony and sacred act of self-love.