
Yoni Steam For Fertility V Steam


Nourish, support, and tone your reproductive organs to prepare your body for pregnancy, creativity, and manifestation.

We blended nutrient-rich herbs such as Red Raspberry Leaf and Nettle to nourish your uterine membranes so they are more receptive, enhancing the possibility of conception and deep connection with your womb. 

May you feel replenished and ripe as you begin to sew the fertile seeds of creation! Yoni Steam for Fertility is best enjoyed during your pre-ovulation phase up until ovulation.

Ingredients: A blend of organic Red Raspberry Leaf, Damiana Leaf, Nettle Leaf, Chamomile Flowers, and Lavender Flowers.


Learn more about Yoni Steams: The Sacred Origin, How to Steam, & Choosing Your Herbs


Complete steaming instructions are included.

Yoni Steam for Fertility is intended for external use only.


**A gentle reminder that an emotional or physical release after steaming may be part of your process, so allow yourself the time to experience and move through this. Try and prepare your steam before bed, so you can lay down and rest afterward. Do not steam after possible conception or if you think you are pregnant.



Produced at Birth Song Botanicals, 862 N. Cato Springs Rd., Fayetteville, AR 72701

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Herbs and herbal medicine have been used effectively for centuries, all over the world. However, herbs are not regulated by the FDA. Consult a trusted health practitioner before using these products if you have any serious medical conditions or are taking any medications.