Five Benefits of Breastfeeding After Six Months

Five Benefits of Breastfeeding After Six Months

After six months of nursing your child, you might wonder if any benefits come along with the extension of breastfeeding past six months. The answer is, yes. There are numerous benefits that you and your baby will get from breastfeeding for an extended period. Here are five reasons for breastfeeding your baby after six months.


benefits of breastfeeding after six months

1. Nutritional Benefits

When your baby starts eating solid foods after six months of breastfeeding, you may think your milk supply is not as important. Actually, your baby only gains a small portion of nutrients from solids, while breast milk provides a significant amount of nutrition. After six months of nursing, your baby is going to require nutrients that they may not get from solid foods. Your milk will be more beneficial to them.



2. Boosted Immune System

Your milk carries antibodies and still has immunologic factors. It’s more important to your child beyond six months when babies become exposed to more illnesses. Breastfeeding after six months lowers your baby’s risk for conditions they may come across later in life such as diabetes, respiratory infections, asthma, and obesity.



benefits of breastfeeding after six months


3.Enhanced Signal and Communication Development

Being close to your baby, immediately being responsive to their wants and needs, and engaging in lots of touching and eye contact create a strong bond. It is believed that these interactions between you and your child only strengthen their development. With breastfeeding, the longer you do it, the more your baby will have a positive outcome in development, appetite, and academic performance.



benefits of breastfeeding after six months

4. Convenience

There is no better milk for your baby than your own. Your breast milk becomes convenient as opposed to using a formula. Your body produces specific antibodies, live cells, growth factors, hormones, or helpful bacteria that only found in your breast milk. Breastfeeding past six months will be more convenient for you and your baby.


5. Lose Pregnancy Weight Faster

There is a huge benefit for you, Mom. Breastfeeding continues to burn up to 500 calories a day, helping you to stay in shape. You can save up to hundreds on formula each month, and your bond with your child will only become stronger.


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Breastfeeding Support the Natural Way

Birth Song Botanicals is passionate about producing high-quality herbal products to benefit both you and your baby. Our products - including the “Let There Be Milk!” line of breastfeeding supplements - are naturally safe for pregnant women, breastfeeding moms, and their children.  These products will help you on your journey of choosing reap the benefits of breastfeeding after six months. Order today in liquid or capsule form.


I hope this supports you as you continue to reap the benefits of breastfeeding after six months.


Hug your sweet baby and remember to let your love and your milk flow!





benefits of breastfeeding, benefits of breastfeeding after six months



🌿Want More?!? Check These Out! 🌿
Breastfeeding Immediately After Birth
7 Tips for Breastfeeding Success
The Ultimate Breastfeeding Guide 
Breastfeeding 101- Best Breastfeeding Practices
Four Healthy Habits to Start on Your Baby’s First Day
 8 Things I Wish I Knew About Breastfeeding Before Giving Birth!

How to Treat Clogged Milk Ducts and Prevent Mastitis.
Why Do I Have a Low Milk Supply?
How to Increase Your Breastmilk Supply Quickly
Treating Nipple Thrush Naturally
How to Heal Sore Nipples from Breastfeeding
How to Achieve A Proper Breastfeeding Latch

Herbs To Avoid While Breastfeeding
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The First Few Weeks of Breastfeeding
Best Baby Carriers for Breastfeeding
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How to Include Your Partner While Breastfeeding

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How to Wake a Sleepy Newborn to Breastfeed
Is My Baby Getting Enough Milk?
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 4 Signs Your Baby is Having a Growth Spurt

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    Breastfeeding a Pre-Term Baby
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    Do I Need A Breast Pump?
    Pumping Breast Milk to Return to Work

    Breastfeeding Nutrition
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    How to Know If You’re Dehydrated While Nursing
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    Five Benefits to Extended Breastfeeding
    How Breastfeeding Changes As Baby Grows
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    Re-Lactation and Induced Lactation: Breastfeeding After a Break or When You Never Have
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    benefits of breastfeeding after six months


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