The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Natural Solutions for Urinary or Bladder Infections

Natural Solutions for Urinary or Bladder Infections

Dealing with the discomfort of a urinary tract or bladder infection?

From the burning and itching to the stinging during urination, these common conditions can disrupt your daily life. While often grouped together, UTIs and bladder infections, specifically cystitis, are distinct and require different approaches.

This article dives into the world of natural remedies for bladder infections, offering alternatives that can complement traditional antibiotic treatments or manage mild symptoms on their own.

Discover the common causes, key symptoms, and effective natural treatments for bladder infections, but remember – consulting a healthcare professional for persistent or severe symptoms is crucial.

Read on to learn how you can naturally ease your discomfort and support your urinary health.

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Botanica Erotica: Exploring Sensuality and Aphrodisiac Herbs

Botanica Erotica: Exploring Sensuality and Aphrodisiac Herbs

Hello Beautiful!  I’m so glad you are here with me right now!  May I ask you a personal question? Do you crave intimacy on your terms? Do you desire to experience a deeper more spiritual and sensual connection with yourself or your partner?

Welcome to “Botanica Erotica”, today we will embark on a sensuous journey connecting to our inner sensuality and discover which herbal aphrodisiacs are right for you. I will offer intuitive, and herbal wisdom to soften and deepening your sensuality with yourself and your partner.

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Breastfeeding and Sex

Breastfeeding and Sex

While there is nothing inherently wrong with appreciating the beauty of a woman’s body, this single focus can make things confusing when a woman breastfeeds. When you have only experienced your breasts as sexual, breastfeeding can lead to some conflicting feelings. 


There is a wide range of what is normal in terms of your sexuality after you have a baby. Some women do not feel the return of sexual desire for many months or even years after childbirth. Some women wait impatiently for their caregiver to give them the go-ahead to engage sexually again. No matter where you fall on this spectrum, sexuality will most likely become part of your life. If you and your partner have enjoyed your breasts as part of your sexual experience in the past, incorporating your lactating breasts into your sex life is a new experience that requires patience, clear communication, and a sense of humor.


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