The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Breastfeeding After a Cesarean Section

Breastfeeding After a Cesarean Section

Breastfeeding after a caesarean birth, in many ways, is the same as breastfeeding after a vaginal birth. However, there are a few things you will want to be aware of, and perhaps a few things you may be concerned about. It is always best to prepare ahead of time, make sure you have the support that you need, and get all your resources in place so that you can be successful breastfeeding.

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Breastfeeding and Sex

Breastfeeding and Sex

While there is nothing inherently wrong with appreciating the beauty of a woman’s body, this single focus can make things confusing when a woman breastfeeds. When you have only experienced your breasts as sexual, breastfeeding can lead to some conflicting feelings. 


There is a wide range of what is normal in terms of your sexuality after you have a baby. Some women do not feel the return of sexual desire for many months or even years after childbirth. Some women wait impatiently for their caregiver to give them the go-ahead to engage sexually again. No matter where you fall on this spectrum, sexuality will most likely become part of your life. If you and your partner have enjoyed your breasts as part of your sexual experience in the past, incorporating your lactating breasts into your sex life is a new experience that requires patience, clear communication, and a sense of humor.


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Breastfeeding in Public

Breastfeeding in Public

In many ways, the first days and weeks with your new baby are just the two of you—mama and baby, learning each other and figuring out your new normal. Sure, there are usually others around. Your partner, grandparents, maybe baby’s siblings. But it’s hardly “breastfeeding in public.”

There’s something of a bubble around mama and baby. No matter what’s going on around you, there’s always going to be a different sort of bond between the two of you. The rest of the world fades away. For awhile, as you’re resting and recovering from birth, it really can be just the two of you. But eventually, the baby moon will end and you’ll need to venture into the outside world, and that’s when the question of breastfeeding in public arises.

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Realistic Newborn Sleep Expectations

Realistic Newborn Sleep Expectations

Sleep is one of the hardest adjustments when bringing a baby into the family. Not only do newborns have more demanding sleep expectations than we do, but each baby has their own needs, and they often change with growth spurts and stages of life. But with a basic understanding of baby’s sleep needs and a willingness to listen to your mama and papa instincts, you can make it through the sleep challenges of baby and toddlerhood. 

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How to Nurture a New Mom

How to Nurture a New Mom
After giving birth, a new mother goes through tremendous changes physically, emotionally, and hormonally. She changes more during the first 72 hours postpartum than she does during her entire pregnancy! Her body is no longer dominated by progesterone and estrogen. Now, she is under the influence of lactogen and prolactin, two wonderful feel-good hormones that make it possible for her to nurse her newborn. Continue reading

4 Signs Your Baby is Having a Growth Spurt

4 Signs Your Baby is Having  a Growth Spurt
Most times, growth spurts disguise themselves as an extra grumpy baby or one who suddenly takes lots of naps. You’ll just wonder what has gotten into them and the next thing you know, they’ve grown two sizes! Learn the signs of a growth spurt to identify it as it’s happening and save you (and your baby!) some frustration. Continue reading

How to Heal Sore Nipples from Breastfeeding

How to Heal Sore Nipples from Breastfeeding

If you have sore, cracked nipples from breastfeeding, you know how bad nursing your baby can hurt! This might sound like an exaggeration to say it's one of the worst (physical) sensation a mom has to endure. You cringe every time baby latches, bracing for the sharp, radiating pain. You hold your breath as baby sleeps, knowing that her waking up means another painful nursing session. Even the most dedicated breastfeeding mom has had the fleeting thought that it's too hard. 


Today's post is about what is causing your nipple pain and how to treat it so you can keep breastfeeding like the rock star that you are!

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Drinking Alcohol and Breastfeeding

Drinking Alcohol and Breastfeeding
Many people believe that if you are a breastfeeding mother, drinking alcohol is off the table. This is not true, though. Light drinking a few times a week is usually fine. Know the facts about breast milk and alcohol, and you will be able to enjoy a beer or glass of wine without worry. Continue reading

Self Care Must Haves for New Moms

Self Care Must Haves for New Moms
Your postpartum time with your new baby can be a magical time of bonding, snuggles, sweet baby sounds, breastfeeding, healing, and rest. It can also be exhausting, frustrating, physically uncomfortable, and challenging. Focusing on your own care means you will more easily be able to care for your newborn. For many of us, it is hard to put our own needs first - as women we often focus on what is best for the whole group, and put our individual needs behind others. However, when you have just given birth and are caring for a newborn, your needs and the baby’s needs work together in a special way. When you are taken care of, it is easier for you to take care of your baby. Now is the time to focus on what is best for you and your newborn. Continue reading

How to Achieve A Proper Breastfeeding Latch

How to Achieve A Proper Breastfeeding Latch
A good latch is the strong foundation you need to have a successful breastfeeding experience. A healthy breastfeeding latch will reduce nipple soreness and encourage your baby to suckle deeply, which stimulates your milk to flow. Sometimes a good latch comes easily, but in many cases, you will need to work with your baby to get the latch you need. This is the first time for your baby to breastfeed too! And don’t worry, soon enough you and your baby will be breastfeeding easily, and you won’t even have to think about it. It may take some work to get there, but you can most likely meet your breastfeeding goals. Continue reading
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