The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Is Your Low Back Pain Worse During Winter?

Is Your Low Back Pain Worse During Winter?

Low back pain often flares up during the cold winter months, and from a Qigong, Western herbal and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) perspective, this is no coincidence. Winter is the season of the Water Element, associated with the kidneys, bones, and the lower back. By nurturing your kidney energy and aligning with the natural rhythms of winter, you can prevent and alleviate low back pain while promoting overall health and vitality.

Learn The Connection Between Winter, Kidneys, and Low Back Pain

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Passionflower from Relaxation to First Aid

Passionflower from Relaxation to First Aid

Discover the Healing Power of Passionflower! 

Want a calming tea recipe you can make at home and a gentle herbal remedy to support your child’s rest and relaxation? Plus, learn how to wild harvest Passionflower. Plus learn was used by Native Americans for first aid! From soothing stress to helping your little ones unwind, this herb has it all.


Read more to get the recipe and explore more ways to bring Passionflower into your daily life!

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Tulsi: A Sacred Herb for Menopause

Tulsi: A Sacred Herb for Menopause

Menopause deserves to be honored and celebrated just as much as starting our menstruation and having babies, but the associated symptoms, such as hot flashes, mood swings, and sleep disturbances, can make it challenging for many women to celebrate this season of their lives. 


So we search for herbs, wellness practices, and mediations to help us stay grounded in the truth of this experience as one that opens us up to even more profound wisdom and grace than ever before.


In the pursuit of holistic well-being during menopause, you may find Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, emerges as a valuable herbal ally. This sacred herb, revered in Ayurveda for its myriad health benefits, holds particular promise for menopausal women.


I sincerely hope this is supportive of your transition.




Want More?!?  Check these out!

Herbal Products for PMS:

Herbal Period Supplements

Stress Relief and Sleep


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Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone In Women During Perimenopause and Menopause

Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone In Women During Perimenopause and Menopause
Perimenopause and menopause mark significant stages in a woman's life, accompanied by hormonal changes that can affect various aspects of well-being. One crucial hormone that experiences a decline during this period is testosterone. While traditionally associated with men, testosterone plays a vital role in women's health, influencing energy levels, mood, and muscle mass. Fortunately, there are natural ways, such as incorporating herbs and Qigong practices, to support and optimize testosterone levels in perimenopausal and menopausal women. Continue reading

Realistic Newborn Sleep Expectations

Realistic Newborn Sleep Expectations

Sleep is one of the hardest adjustments when bringing a baby into the family. Not only do newborns have more demanding sleep expectations than we do, but each baby has their own needs, and they often change with growth spurts and stages of life. But with a basic understanding of baby’s sleep needs and a willingness to listen to your mama and papa instincts, you can make it through the sleep challenges of baby and toddlerhood. 

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Pregnancy Sleep Survival Guide

Pregnancy Sleep Survival Guide

It’s easy to say that the sleeplessness is only preparing you for long nights adjusting to new sleep expectations for baby, but losing sleep is far from easy to deal with. Use this pregnancy sleep guide to help prepare yourself or a loved one for the sleep challenges they are likely to face, or as a quick reference to know you’re not alone and that there are ways to cope.

Supporting your body with vitamins and minerals can lead to better sleep and overall improved comfort. Good Night Tincture, which can be taken before bed, and Lady in Waiting tea, which can be enjoyed all day or warm in the evening, can both support restful sleep.




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4 Signs Your Baby is Having a Growth Spurt

4 Signs Your Baby is Having  a Growth Spurt
Most times, growth spurts disguise themselves as an extra grumpy baby or one who suddenly takes lots of naps. You’ll just wonder what has gotten into them and the next thing you know, they’ve grown two sizes! Learn the signs of a growth spurt to identify it as it’s happening and save you (and your baby!) some frustration. Continue reading

Self Mastery How to Navigate Intense Emotions. No Mud. No Lotus.

Self Mastery How to Navigate Intense Emotions.  No Mud. No Lotus.
Wow! Here we are, 2020, in the middle of a global pandemic! Lots of us are experiencing waves of intense emotions and are looking for ways to stay centered in these extraordinary times of uncertainty.  Continue reading

How to Enjoy Your Period

How to Enjoy Your Period

What messages are in your menstrual cycles?  

Today, let's connect with our wombs and practice listening, observing, and learning from our bodies. There is so much information stored in our blood, breast, bones, and breath. It takes patience, curiosity, and compassion to be a good listener.

Often we feel vulnerable, and our periods are private personal experiences. I think we feel that way because our blood comes from deep inside us. It comes from the most amazingly creative and productive space in our bodies: that space that no one can feel but us. I mean, so many things come from there. From mucus to blood, clots, amniotic fluid, and babies to art, businesses, healing practices, to everything in between.  

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