The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Back to School Resilience: Three Herbal Remedies for Kids Immune Systems

Back to School Resilience: Three Herbal Remedies for Kids Immune Systems
As kids gear up to head back to school, parents and caregivers are always on the lookout for ways to ensure their children's health and well-being. One effective approach is to support their immune systems through natural herbal remedies. We offer a range of herbal products designed to bolster kids' immunity and respiratory health, helping them stay strong and thrive in the school environment. Continue reading

Treating a Urinary or Bladder Infection Naturally: An Informative Guide

Treating a Urinary or Bladder Infection Naturally: An Informative Guide

Dealing with the discomfort of a urinary tract or bladder infection?

From the burning and itching to the stinging during urination, these common conditions can disrupt your daily life. While often grouped together, UTIs and bladder infections, specifically cystitis, are distinct and require different approaches.

This article dives into the world of natural remedies for bladder infections, offering alternatives that can complement traditional antibiotic treatments or manage mild symptoms on their own.

Discover the common causes, key symptoms, and effective natural treatments for bladder infections, but remember – consulting a healthcare professional for persistent or severe symptoms is crucial.

Read on to learn how you can naturally ease your discomfort and support your urinary health.

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Yoni Steam- The Sacred Origin, The Herbs, and How To Steam

Yoni Steam- The Sacred Origin, The Herbs, and How To Steam

Hello Beautiful! Have you experienced a yoni steam?

On today’s episode of Apothecary Wisdom, we’ll explore the restorative practice of yoni steams. There is a lot you need to know about them. Yoni steams offer us the to restore the disconnect from our female body, yoni/uterus, whether that be from birth, unsatisfying intimate experiences, trauma, abuse, surgeries, or just cultural disconnect.

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What Would it Look Like to Have A Society Free From Racism?

What Would it Look Like to Have A Society Free From Racism?
I'm here today to bear witness to systemic racism. To bear witness means to acknowledge that something is real. Racism and trauma are very real. Each of us has experienced generational trauma that is held in our bodies, our blood, and our bones.
My voice is tiny and is full of the wrong words to adequately address systemic racism. None the less, I feel compelled to share my voice to support the collective. Continue reading

Tracking Your Cycle: With The Fertility Awareness Method

Tracking Your Cycle: With The Fertility Awareness Method

How often have you heard women's menstrual cycle is 28 days, and you ovulate on day 14?

This is a myth that is widely accepted as truth. Sadly this misunderstanding is the cause of countless unwanted pregnancies. And, this myth has prevented many couples who desired a pregnancy from attaining one. 

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Self Mastery How to Navigate Intense Emotions. No Mud. No Lotus.

Self Mastery How to Navigate Intense Emotions.  No Mud. No Lotus.
Wow! Here we are, 2020, in the middle of a global pandemic! Lots of us are experiencing waves of intense emotions and are looking for ways to stay centered in these extraordinary times of uncertainty.  Continue reading

Treating A Fever With Hydrotherapy

Treating A Fever With Hydrotherapy
We know there are different categories and grades of fever, but now let's talk about treating the fever when necessary. Hydrotherapy is a great choice when treating fever and can be easily done at home.  Continue reading
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