The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Herb Spotlight: Calendula Benefits

Herb Spotlight: Calendula Benefits

I combined calendula with other herbs in our postpartum herb bath to help aid in rapid perineal recovery and soothe hemorrhoids after giving birth. Calendula is also in our Nipple Salve, Diaper Salve and Healing Salve because it helps repair sore nipples, inflamed skin caused by diaper rash and it works as first aid skin care.  Calendula is why our Wound Recovery Spray cools a burn and Cesarean Recovery Spray leaves your incision feeling fresh and clean as your body heals.

Let me tell you a little more about this delightful plant and why you might want to grow some yourself...


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Cesarean Recovery and Postpartum Tips

Cesarean Recovery and Postpartum Tips

All birth is beautiful, and no two births are alike. Similarly, healing in the postpartum phase is unique to each mama, baby, and birthing experience. C-sections are often overlooked in this. Now that you are home with your baby, knowing how to heal and recover from a cesarean section as you step into the new territory of motherhood is crucial to your well being and wholeness as a woman. 



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Yoni Steam- The Sacred Origin, The Herbs, and How To Steam

Yoni Steam- The Sacred Origin, The Herbs, and How To Steam

Hello Beautiful! Have you experienced a yoni steam?

On today’s episode of Apothecary Wisdom, we’ll explore the restorative practice of yoni steams. There is a lot you need to know about them. Yoni steams offer us the to restore the disconnect from our female body, yoni/uterus, whether that be from birth, unsatisfying intimate experiences, trauma, abuse, surgeries, or just cultural disconnect.

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Marshmallow to Soothe Sore Throats

Marshmallow to Soothe Sore Throats

No, not that kind of marshmallow – kind of. The sugary treats found in the store that we roast for s’mores has its origins in an herbal root that has been used for centuries. While the big bags of puffed marshmallows aren’t likely to hold any of the real thing, you can actually make your own, much healthier, versions using marshmallow root powder. Or, enjoy marshmallow in tea for a much simpler (but not as sweet!) way to soothe a sore throat.

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Fertility and The Feminine Art of Creation

Fertility and The Feminine Art of Creation
Spring is blooming and the urge to create, be productive and generative is potent. Some of us want to create a new life for ourselves, a new identity, some of us are making art, reinventing our business or careers, some of us are growing gardens, others are making babies. Continue reading

What You Should Know About PCOS

What You Should Know About PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is so common these days, and it presents with a laundry list of unpleasant symptoms. Its cause is unknown. But the good news is there are lots of natural things we can do to improve the symptoms. Recognizing the symptoms of PCOS requires us to listen to our bodies and acknowledge that something is not quite right. This type of body awareness is essential because over half of the 10,000,000 women and girls who have PCOS are unaware that they even have it. I'm here today to help bring public awareness to this growing concern that modern women are facing. My goal is to help you recognize the messages from your body so together we can work to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms and avoid long term health consequences. 

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Woman's Balance - A Graceful and Transformative Journey

Woman's Balance - A Graceful and Transformative Journey

Balance is not about being perfect all the time, nor that your life is exactly rationed into equal parts. Instead, being in balance means you are in the right season for things to unfold and flourish in their appropriate time.  Learn how to find your center and stay balanced with qigong and nourishing herbal infusions

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