The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

8 Do's and Don'ts of Umbilical Cord Care

8 Do's and Don'ts of Umbilical Cord Care

Yay, your baby is born! Now that you've clamped and cut the cord, how do you take care of it? What do you do to help dry the umbilical cord stump so it can heal and fall off faster? Watch today's video to learn about 8 Do's and Don'ts of Newborn Umbilical Cord Care and how to take care of it naturally.

Natural Umbilical Cord Care

Now that you've had you've cut the cord; you have to take care of it. I'll admit a newborn's umbilical stump can appear a little gnarly and intimidating. But don't worry! Taking care of it is really pretty simple and straight forward. Today I'm giving 8 guidelines to take care of your newborns' umbilical cord stump naturally and safely.


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Herb Spotlight: Calendula Benefits

Herb Spotlight: Calendula Benefits

I combined calendula with other herbs in our postpartum herb bath to help aid in rapid perineal recovery and soothe hemorrhoids after giving birth. Calendula is also in our Nipple Salve, Diaper Salve and Healing Salve because it helps repair sore nipples, inflamed skin caused by diaper rash and it works as first aid skin care.  Calendula is why our Wound Recovery Spray cools a burn and Cesarean Recovery Spray leaves your incision feeling fresh and clean as your body heals.

Let me tell you a little more about this delightful plant and why you might want to grow some yourself...


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Top 4 Herbal Products for Babies

Top 4 Herbal Products for Babies

I'm not one to advocate a large stash of gadgets and products for babies. Instead, keep a few multi-purpose must-have items on hand. That way, you are not overly cluttered with duplicate items in your house. 


Having said that, these are the four herbal products for babies that I consider necessary items.

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Yoni Steam- The Sacred Origin, The Herbs, and How To Steam

Yoni Steam- The Sacred Origin, The Herbs, and How To Steam

Hello Beautiful! Have you experienced a yoni steam?

On today’s episode of Apothecary Wisdom, we’ll explore the restorative practice of yoni steams. There is a lot you need to know about them. Yoni steams offer us the to restore the disconnect from our female body, yoni/uterus, whether that be from birth, unsatisfying intimate experiences, trauma, abuse, surgeries, or just cultural disconnect.

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10 Ways to Plan Your Blessing Way Ceremony

10 Ways to Plan Your Blessing Way Ceremony

The blessingway ceremony is the perfect opportunity for the pregnant woman to connect with their community as they prepare for birth. It is so important to honor each family as they embark on this incredible life-changing journey through pregnancy, birth, and parenthood. I encourage you to take some of these ideas and get creative to come up with your own ways to plan your blessingway.


A blessing way is a Navaho tradition that honors the woman’s transformation from maiden to mother. I used to shy away from the word blessing way because it has a religious affiliation. But the more blessing ways I perform, the more the word blessing feels appropriate. Our childbirth class blessing way is not religious in any way. But it is a soulful experience that couples appreciate.


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Benefits of Delayed Cord Clamping

Benefits of Delayed Cord Clamping

Wow, you did it! Your baby was just born. Wait! Please don't cut the cord. It hasn't finished pulsating yet. Your baby needs a few minutes to complete the birth process and receive all of its blood from the placenta. This process is super important. Watch today's video to discover the benefits of delayed cord clamping and why it's so critical and how delayed cord clamping can save lives.


Let me show you how much blood is retained in the placenta when we cut the cord immediately.

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Postpartum Depression and Anxiety- How Herbs, Placenta Pills and Meditation Can Help

Postpartum Depression and Anxiety-  How Herbs, Placenta Pills and Meditation Can Help
I'd like to begin by congratulating and honoring you and the fact that you've given birth, and you have a sweet baby. I want to take the time to check in with you and process how your postpartum is going. This episode of Apothecary Wisdom is dedicated to postpartum moms who feel like they have the baby blues or postpartum depression. We will explore the immense life changes, the symptoms of PPD, and find helpful ways to improve your mood with food, placenta medicine, herbs, supplements, meditations, and radical self-care. Continue reading

Perineal Care After Childbirth

Perineal Care After Childbirth

One of the most common fears associated with childbirth is having a vaginal tear. Let me start by powerfully and honestly reminding you that your body is fully capable of giving birth and recovering completely. Your pelvic floor and vagina are made to give birth. Even if the muscles of your pelvic floor stretch and tear, they are woven together like a basket.  They are meant to expand, stretch and bounce back to its previous size. Your brilliant body is great at opening up completely and closing right back again.  However, having realistic expectations and some basic supplies will help you have a smooth postpartum recovery even if you have a perineal tear.

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Treating Nipple Thrush Naturally

Treating Nipple Thrush Naturally
Have you struggled with repeated bouts of thrush on your nipples and in your babies mouth? Is yeast causing your nipples to crack and bleed? Do you find it keeps coming back after conventional treatment? A whole body approach may seem overwhelming at first, but food and herbs are good medicine for yeast and thrush.  The candida diet for breastfeeding moms is a must.  Read on to learn more! Continue reading

Prepare Yourself for your Postpartum Recovery and Life with a Newborn

Prepare Yourself for your Postpartum Recovery and Life with a Newborn

As a first time mama, I was so focused on preparing for birth. This life changing event was one I would approach with total preparation. I read all that I could, and did all that I could to prepare.

While preparing extensively for birth is a wonderful idea, I made the mistake of overlooking the crucial postpartum recovery period and what the first days and weeks with a newborn is really like.

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