The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Craft Your Personal Placenta Rituals

Craft Your Personal Placenta Rituals

The moments after birth, no matter how the birth progressed, are sacred. From home births to c-sections, there is a certain feel to the air that comes with the emergence of new life. The smells, sounds, and sensations will be fresh in mama’s mind for years to come, even when all other details become blurry and begin to fade.


The delivery of the placenta—the afterbirth—is often overlooked as a side note in birthing preparations. It might be considered a matter of course, another thing to tidy up after the baby is born, but not a significant moment. In countless births every day, it’s simply wrapped up and thrown away with the rest of the mess that comes with birth.

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5 Ways Doula's Help Prevent C-Sections

5 Ways Doula's Help Prevent C-Sections
Doulas can play a valuable role in preventing cesarean sections (C-sections) by providing continuous physical, emotional, and informational support to women during labor and childbirth. While doulas do not have medical training or the authority to make medical decisions, their presence and support have been associated with several factors that may help reduce the likelihood of C-sections. Continue reading

Home Birth Supplies List

Home Birth Supplies List

For the laboring mother, the work of birth is internal. You’re focusing on breathing and your baby as you move toward that moment when her velvet skin will be on your chest. Meanwhile, the birth team is busy with their own tasks, which aren’t so self-contained. They'll use tools and supplies from beginning to end to help you move through birth as comfortably as possible. Though birth will happen no matter what, some important supplies can help your team support you in safe and comforting ways.

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Breastfeeding After a Cesarean Section

Breastfeeding After a Cesarean Section

Breastfeeding after a caesarean birth, in many ways, is the same as breastfeeding after a vaginal birth. However, there are a few things you will want to be aware of, and perhaps a few things you may be concerned about. It is always best to prepare ahead of time, make sure you have the support that you need, and get all your resources in place so that you can be successful breastfeeding.

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Cesarean Recovery and Postpartum Tips

Cesarean Recovery and Postpartum Tips

All birth is beautiful, and no two births are alike. Similarly, healing in the postpartum phase is unique to each mama, baby, and birthing experience. C-sections are often overlooked in this. Now that you are home with your baby, knowing how to heal and recover from a cesarean section as you step into the new territory of motherhood is crucial to your well being and wholeness as a woman. 



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Top 4 Herbal Products for Babies

Top 4 Herbal Products for Babies

I'm not one to advocate a large stash of gadgets and products for babies. Instead, keep a few multi-purpose must-have items on hand. That way, you are not overly cluttered with duplicate items in your house. 


Having said that, these are the four herbal products for babies that I consider necessary items.

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Include Your Partner And Speak the Love Languages of Birth

Include Your Partner And Speak the Love Languages of Birth

I want to take time out and acknowledge all the awesome dads out there. Today's post is dedicated to the beautiful men in our lives. We will explore loving ways to communicate and how you can include and involve your partner in meaningful ways during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

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50 questions to ask your Midwife, OB, and Doula

50 questions to ask your Midwife, OB, and Doula

Hey there! Are you pregnant and looking for more information about midwives and doulas?  Awesome, I’m so glad you’re here because today's episode of Apothecary Wisdom is focused on giving a overview of the crucial distinctions and scope of practice of the different types of midwives, obstetricians, and doulas. 


Working in the birth community has revealed that the general public is unclear about the important distinctions and differences of these essential birth workers-their training, and the services they provide.  Knowing the scope of practice of the birth professional you are about to hire for your birth is critical in order for you to be informed and have realistic expectations about your care and upcoming birth.

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