The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

The Incredible Benefits of Shatavari for Women’s Health

The Incredible Benefits of Shatavari for Women’s Health

Shatavari, a powerful herb widely used in Ayurvedic medicine, has been revered for centuries for its profound benefits for both men and women's general and reproductive health. In this blog we are focusing on some important aspects of women's health.

Known scientifically as *Asparagus racemosus*, Shatavari translates to "she who possesses a hundred husbands," highlighting its traditional use in promoting fertility and vitality. However, the benefits of Shatavari extend far beyond reproductive health.

Let’s explore how this remarkable herb can enhance various aspects of women’s well-being.


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Sacred Tulsi: A Natural Ally for Menopausal Women

Sacred Tulsi: A Natural Ally for Menopausal Women

Menopause deserves to be honored and celebrated just as much as starting our menstruation and having babies, but the associated symptoms, such as hot flashes, mood swings, and sleep disturbances, can make it challenging for many women to celebrate this season of their lives. 


So we search for herbs, wellness practices, and mediations to help us stay grounded in the truth of this experience as one that opens us up to even more profound wisdom and grace than ever before.


In the pursuit of holistic well-being during menopause, you may find Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, emerges as a valuable herbal ally. This sacred herb, revered in Ayurveda for its myriad health benefits, holds particular promise for menopausal women.


I sincerely hope this is supportive of your transition.




Want More?!?  Check these out!

Herbal Products for PMS:

Herbal Period Supplements

Stress Relief and Sleep


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Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone In Women During Perimenopause and Menopause

Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone In Women During Perimenopause and Menopause
Perimenopause and menopause mark significant stages in a woman's life, accompanied by hormonal changes that can affect various aspects of well-being. One crucial hormone that experiences a decline during this period is testosterone. While traditionally associated with men, testosterone plays a vital role in women's health, influencing energy levels, mood, and muscle mass. Fortunately, there are natural ways, such as incorporating herbs and Qigong practices, to support and optimize testosterone levels in perimenopausal and menopausal women. Continue reading

The Birth Song Botanicals Guide to Motherwort Herb

The Birth Song Botanicals Guide to Motherwort Herb
Modern motherwort uses are undoubtedly informed by its history as an herb with rich medicinal potential. Occasionally called a cardiotonic, some of its main uses relate to the reproductive system and the heart, where many people feel and hold a great deal of tension and anxiety. Motherwort also provides nervine support, and because it alleviates these nervous feelings, herbalists use the plant to release the feelings from the physical body as well. Continue reading

Self Mastery How to Navigate Intense Emotions. No Mud. No Lotus.

Self Mastery How to Navigate Intense Emotions.  No Mud. No Lotus.
Wow! Here we are, 2020, in the middle of a global pandemic! Lots of us are experiencing waves of intense emotions and are looking for ways to stay centered in these extraordinary times of uncertainty.  Continue reading

Combating Stress with Adaptogens

Combating Stress with Adaptogens

We live full, beautiful, and hectic lives. This level of activity day after day, week after week, is stress-FULL. Stress, as we all know, leads to “dis-ease.” With such a bountiful schedule, we do not have time to be sick with a cold, much less something more serious than that. This is how and where adaptogens come into play. 

Our Women's Balance herbal blend for stress relief is made with adaptogenic herbs to help you move through life with grace and powerfully.


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