The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Natural Solutions for PMS Symptoms

Natural Solutions for PMS Symptoms

Women of the world who seek natural solutions for PMS and wish to embrace your bodies as beautiful!


Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Many women walk this path, seeking harmony and balance, and together, we can share knowledge, support, and strength. Celebrate your womanhood and all the nuances it brings. Your strength, resilience, and beauty shine through in every moment.


Trust in your body, listen to its signals, and treat yourself with the kindness and compassion you deserve. You are powerful, wise, and perfectly you.




Having said that, let's face it. Women often experience a variety of complaints regarding their menstrual cycle. 


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Menstrual Cycle Syncing with Moon Phases, Herbs and Qigong

Menstrual Cycle Syncing with Moon Phases, Herbs and Qigong
In a world where technology reigns supreme, reconnecting with nature's rhythms is vital to our health and wellbeing. One ancient practice now becoming a trend and gaining popularity is cycle syncing - aligning your menstrual cycle with the moon's phases. In this blog, we'll explore the connection between your body's natural rhythms and the lunar cycle and how working with herbs, food, and Qigong supports this ancient practice for your modern-day life that is balanced and harmonious.  Continue reading

Harnessing the Power of Mugwort and the Moon

Harnessing the Power of Mugwort and the Moon
In the realm of herbalism, Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) stands out as a potent ally, revered for its multifaceted benefits that span centuries of traditional use. From its association with moon phases to its therapeutic properties, this herb continues to captivate practitioners and enthusiasts alike. Here, we delve into three key benefits of Mugwort. Continue reading

Fertility and The Feminine Art of Creation

Fertility and The Feminine Art of Creation
Spring is blooming and the urge to create, be productive and generative is potent. Some of us want to create a new life for ourselves, a new identity, some of us are making art, reinventing our business or careers, some of us are growing gardens, others are making babies. Continue reading

Your Menstrual Cycle While Breastfeeding

Your Menstrual Cycle While Breastfeeding

There are several factors that play into how long it takes for your body to return to it’s full fertile cycle; meaning that you ovulate, your uterine lining is prepared to nurture a fertilized egg, and you menstruate. Although it is unlikely that you would get pregnant if your period has not returned, it is still possible. So, be careful! If you would not welcome a new pregnancy, use birth control that will be compatible with breastfeeding.

Our Cycle Relief herbal tincture can provide relief from painful cramps and heavy bleeding during your period after giving birth.

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How to Enjoy Your Period

How to Enjoy Your Period

What messages are in your menstrual cycles?  

Today, let's connect with our wombs and practice listening, observing, and learning from our bodies. There is so much information stored in our blood, breast, bones, and breath. It takes patience, curiosity, and compassion to be a good listener.

Often we feel vulnerable, and our periods are private personal experiences. I think we feel that way because our blood comes from deep inside us. It comes from the most amazingly creative and productive space in our bodies: that space that no one can feel but us. I mean, so many things come from there. From mucus to blood, clots, amniotic fluid, and babies to art, businesses, healing practices, to everything in between.  

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Herbal Remedies for Heavy Period Bleeding in Perimenopause

Herbal Remedies for Heavy Period Bleeding in Perimenopause
Being a woman means you will bleed.  Not all blood is from wounds, nor does it have to always be dangerous, scary, or gross.  Bleeding is a natural, normal, and healthy part of a woman’s life. Beginning with menstruation, then during and after childbirth, and finally during menopause.  As a woman slowly changes hormonally during the process of menopause many women experience erratic menstrual cycles and sometimes heavy unexpected flows commonly referred to as “flooding.”  On today’s Apothecary Wisdom we’re continuing our conversation about menopause and menstrual flooding.  I’m so glad you’re here with me today.  Together we’re growing and learning more about woman’s wisdom, botanical wisdom and feminine power. Continue reading