The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

How to Have a Fit Pregnancy and Be Healthy

How to Have a Fit Pregnancy and Be Healthy
Motherhood is a journey, pregnancy is an effort, and labor is a marathon. It only makes sense to prioritize fitness and become an active part of the process rather than a passive participant. The “range of normal” tends to be wide whenever humans are involved, and you may find major differences in your body and habits from pregnancy to pregnancy. Today, we’re going to refocus fitness, away from physical shape and form and instead look at what it really means to be fit in pregnancy and how you can stay that way from beginning to end. Continue reading

3 Benefits of Herbal Pregnancy Tea to Help Prepare You for Birth

3 Benefits of Herbal Pregnancy Tea to Help Prepare You for Birth
Organic Herbal pregnancy tea provides vital hydration, vitamins and minerals for your growing and changing body.  In this post, you'll learn 3 benefits of drinking herbal tea while you grow your baby and prepare your body to give birth.  You will also learn about my personal favorite herbs in Lady in Waiting Herbal Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Tea that supports your optimal health as you embrace motherhood. Continue reading

Self Care Must Have Items for Birth

Self Care Must Have Items for Birth

...taking care of yourself during your labor and delivery and immediate postpartum period is so vitally important. Birth calls upon your strength in ways you may not have experienced before. Providing the environment for that strength to fully emerge is what self care is all about.

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Journey into Motherhood

Journey into Motherhood
When you are pregnant you need lots of support so you can have a happy fit pregnancy.  The thing is, when I say "you need support", I’m not only talking about how another person can help you. I want to show you how other supportive measures, like meditation and herbs, can comfort you during pregnancy and guide you as you journey into motherhood. Continue reading

How to Use Leftover Birth Song Products

How to Use Leftover Birth Song Products

During your pregnancy, you enjoyed Lady in Waiting tea to nourish your body and prepare your uterus. Afterward, you soothed your body and hormones with Nourished Mother and gave your body what it needed to make milk with Let There Be Milk and Nursing Nectar. You might have even used Fertile Ground to help encourage fertility to become pregnant in the first place! Your baby was wrapped in herbal goodness from his first Postpartum Herb Bath to the Cord Care Powder and Diaper Salve that helped protect and heal his body as it adjusted to the new world. But now he’s getting bigger, his cord long gone, your uterus is back to normal and your milk supply has regulated...and you’ve got a stash of products just sitting around. Now what?

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Pregnancy Nausea and Digestive Issues

Pregnancy Nausea and Digestive Issues

You’re queasy. You’ve vomited more than you have in years. Your organs have shifted. You’re hungry but also can’t eat much at once. Everything in your digestive system is in flux (yes, sometimes re-flux!) while you’re pregnant. Next to sleep issues, digestive issues in pregnancy may be some of the most universal unpleasant effects. Let’s take a look at some of the most common digestive issues in pregnancy and ways that you can prevent or limit them.

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What to Expect When Going Past Your Due Date

What to Expect When Going Past Your Due Date

Anticipation is a lovely part of pregnancy, and it’s even better when put into proper context. Week by week pregnancy updates. Preparing for baby’s arrival. Picturing their birth month. Counting down. Measuring, planning, tracking growth. The estimated due date is a helpful way to track progress, as long as we remember that forty weeks is an average duration of pregnancy. In other words, many babies are born before forty weeks, and many are born after. Today, we’re going to cover what you need to know about going over your due date.

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How To Prioritize Pregnancy Nutrition

How To Prioritize Pregnancy Nutrition

The relationship between food and pregnancy are intricate and can be frustrating, especially when your nausea and reduced stomach space don’t agree with your cravings or appetite! Keeping some nourishing herbs and basic healing foods on hand can help make pregnancy nutrition simpler.

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