The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Why I Love Peppermint & Why You Should Too!

Why I Love Peppermint & Why You Should Too!
Have you ever felt nausea, had a stomach ache, had a hard time using the bathroom or had a headache? Of course you did. We all have. I’m not sure if you know this or not, but some of the many benefits of peppermint include soothing the symptoms of IBS, morning sickness, indigestion, heartburn, gas, constipation, head aches, gum disease, bad breath, and it even improves oral health. Continue reading

The Birth Song Botanicals Guide to Thyme

The Birth Song Botanicals Guide to Thyme
The medicinal qualities of thyme are no secret. For thousands of years, it has been a megastar of the herb world, cultivated by ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians alike. In many of these empires, it was thought to act as an antidote for poison if ingested or bathed with. In this era,  thyme was also thought to encourage intrepidness and strength. Continue reading