The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Why Do I Have a Low Milk Supply?

Why Do I Have a Low Milk Supply?
Are you one of the millions of moms who wonder if you are making enough breastmilk for your baby? Being concerned about Low milk supply can keep you up at night and fill you with worry and doubt. In fact, if you actually have a low milk supply in some cases, it is devastating. One thing to keep in mind is that milk supply is not a stable constant amount: our supply ebbs and flows. Within the normal breastfeeding process, there are times at our supply peaks and times when it dips. This is normal and to be expected. On today's episode of Apothecary Wisdom, and in this post, we are exploring the top 11 reasons for low milk supply. Your low supply issue could be a temporary problem that will resolve itself naturally or be something you need to address immediately! Watch this video or read this post to find out! Continue reading

How to Increase Breast Milk Supply Quickly

How to Increase Breast Milk Supply Quickly

Are you one of the millions of breastfeeding moms who are concerned about your milk supply? Do you NEED to increase your supply quickly? Or maintain your supply while you're working? Are you trying to nurse and pump? If so you are in the right place, on today's episode of apothecary wisdom, we will help you boost your supply so you can make a bunch of thick, rich breastmilk that satisfies your baby and stocks your freezer!

Milk supply is possibly the most uncertain, concerning part of feeding our babies. We can't see how much they are drinking, and what we don't know can be worrisome. However, sometimes the concerns about low breastmilk supply are simply that, concerns. Or they are someone else's unfounded worry being put on you. Of course, there are times that our supply is low, and they need to be addressed right away.  

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Tips for Tandem Breastfeeding

Tips for Tandem Breastfeeding

On average, breastfeeding regulates postpartum menses and a return to fertility long enough that babies are often spaced a couple of years apart even without other forms of birth control. Of course, averages don’t mean a whole lot for individuals—all of our bodies are beautifully unique. But even when the average holds true, it’s common and even recommended to breastfeed well into toddlerhood. Chances are, there are many of you who have been or will be faced with the prospect of tandem breastfeeding.

Yet even though it makes perfect biological sense for one child’s breastfeeding journey to coincide with their sibling’s, it’s not often depicted or discussed. So when a mama becomes pregnant before baby weans, they’re often left wondering what to do. Rest assured, tandem nursing is well within that “range of normal” that we so often look to. Today, we’ll walk through some of the concerns, benefits, and struggles of tandem breastfeeding. You’re not alone—and your nursling doesn’t have to be, either!

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Best Baby Carriers for Breastfeeding

Best Baby Carriers for Breastfeeding
When you have the basics of breastfeeding down, you will be able to start exploring the option of nursing your baby in a baby carrier hands-free! Learning how to do this may take some time and patience. It is important to find the right kind of carrier for you and your baby, one that fits you both well. But once you have, it can be really wonderful. Continue reading

How Often Should I Breastfeed?

How Often Should I Breastfeed?
Knowing when to nurse your baby seems like it should be the easiest thing in the world. However, there are so many different recommendations out there about what to do - If you should schedule, if you should not, how long to nurse on each breast, how long to wait in between nursing sessions. It can all become very confusing. However, you and your baby are designed to work together in harmony. Trust that if you respond to your baby and trust your babies nursing cues, you and your baby will find your rhythm together. Continue reading

Self Care Must Haves for New Moms

Self Care Must Haves for New Moms
Your postpartum time with your new baby can be a magical time of bonding, snuggles, sweet baby sounds, breastfeeding, healing, and rest. It can also be exhausting, frustrating, physically uncomfortable, and challenging. Focusing on your own care means you will more easily be able to care for your newborn. For many of us, it is hard to put our own needs first - as women we often focus on what is best for the whole group, and put our individual needs behind others. However, when you have just given birth and are caring for a newborn, your needs and the baby’s needs work together in a special way. When you are taken care of, it is easier for you to take care of your baby. Now is the time to focus on what is best for you and your newborn. Continue reading

How to Achieve A Proper Breastfeeding Latch

How to Achieve A Proper Breastfeeding Latch
A good latch is the strong foundation you need to have a successful breastfeeding experience. A healthy breastfeeding latch will reduce nipple soreness and encourage your baby to suckle deeply, which stimulates your milk to flow. Sometimes a good latch comes easily, but in many cases, you will need to work with your baby to get the latch you need. This is the first time for your baby to breastfeed too! And don’t worry, soon enough you and your baby will be breastfeeding easily, and you won’t even have to think about it. It may take some work to get there, but you can most likely meet your breastfeeding goals. Continue reading

8 Things I Wish I Knew About Breastfeeding Before Giving Birth!

8 Things I Wish I Knew About Breastfeeding Before Giving Birth!
We all have our ideas about how breastfeeding will go for us, especially if we haven’t breastfed before.  Well reality is usually much, much different. And there is not that much glowing. There are latch issues, and fussy babes, and tired mamas, and sore nipples, and everyone is worn out and cranky and in need of some food and a nap. Continue reading

Support For The First Weeks Breastfeeding

Support For The First Weeks Breastfeeding

The first few weeks of breastfeeding can be overwhelming, frustrating, exhausting, and wonderfully sweet. Knowing what is normal and preparing yourself and your environment beforehand can help you immeasurably. Taking care of yourself and taking care of your baby are ideally your only jobs at first, and you and your baby deserve that golden time of rest, healing, and connection.

 For herbal self care and breastfeeding products, go HERE.

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Induce Lactation or Relactate: You can Make Breastmilk!

Induce Lactation or Relactate: You can Make Breastmilk!
Breastfeeding after a period of not lactating is possible! If you changed your mind and want to breastfeed your baby longer, or if you couldn’t breastfeed for a period of time because of illness or a needed medication - no matter the reason, you can breastfeed your baby again. Did you know that’s it is also possible to induce lactation if you have never given birth or been pregnant? Relactation is bringing your milk back after a period of not lactating. Induced lactation is making milk when you have not previously. Continue reading
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