The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Nourishing Breastfeeding Snacks

Nourishing Breastfeeding Snacks
Breastfeeding nutrition does not have to be complicated. Simple, whole food, with a focus on nutrient dense ingredients, will help to give you what you need while you are healing after the birth of your baby and building your milk supply. And it can be delicious! Bon appetite to you - and your nursling! Continue reading

Is My Baby Getting Enough Breastmilk?

Is My Baby Getting Enough Breastmilk?
For a new mama, nothing is more important than seeing her baby thrive and grow. Nursing a baby for the first time can be an overwhelming experience. Between making sure you have a good latch, dealing with sore nipples (what IS normal anyway?), and making sure you have snacks and water within reach, it is so easy to get frustrated. However, more than anything else, new mamas worry about their babies getting enough milk. Continue reading