The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Pregnancy Sleep Survival Guide

Pregnancy Sleep Survival Guide

It’s easy to say that the sleeplessness is only preparing you for long nights adjusting to new sleep expectations for baby, but losing sleep is far from easy to deal with. Use this pregnancy sleep guide to help prepare yourself or a loved one for the sleep challenges they are likely to face, or as a quick reference to know you’re not alone and that there are ways to cope.

Supporting your body with vitamins and minerals can lead to better sleep and overall improved comfort. Good Night Tincture, which can be taken before bed, and Lady in Waiting tea, which can be enjoyed all day or warm in the evening, can both support restful sleep.




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Coping with Pregnancy Pain and Discomfort

Coping with Pregnancy Pain and Discomfort

Pregnancy is a time of great miracle and great strain. Our muscles are pulling in new ways to support new weight, joints become strained, circulation changes, and it all adds up to a bundle of pregnancy pain and discomforts.


Staying active and taking care of your growing body will help to keep some of it at bay. The real key is to understand what’s at the heart of your pregnancy pain and discomfort so that you can best address both the cause and the symptoms. Your body will tell you what it needs -- you just need to listen a bit closer than before.

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15 Ways to Heal After A Miscarriage

15 Ways to Heal After A Miscarriage

Miscarriage is intense for your body and can leave you feeling fragile physically and emotionally. Taking care of your body, or knowing how to help someone who is trying to heal after a miscarriage, can ease some of the physical symptoms.

There are several types of miscarriage – threatened, inevitable, complete, incomplete, or missed. Knowing how to take care of yourself, physically, and emotionally are essential for recovery.  Read on to know when to seek medical care and how to heal completely as you navigate the grief process of early pregnancy loss.

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Birth Plan Template For Home Birth- Have An Empowering Birth At Home

Birth Plan Template For Home Birth- Have An Empowering Birth At Home

As a midwife, I really enjoy the anticipation that comes before birth. The way women prepare, expect, and dream about birth is absolutely beautiful and powerful. One aspect of preparing for a safe homebirth, is writing a birth plan. A homebirth birth plan is an essential component of an active and informed birth. 


Knowing how to write an effective birth plan is a crucial part of this preparation process. Over the years, I've helped hundreds of women write their homebirth birth plans. One thing is abundantly clear, the women who feel good about how their births went (no matter how it unfolded) were realistically prepared for the intensity and reality of birth. They were not simply lucky. They actively prepared their minds, bodies, souls, partners, and homes for the birth experience.  

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Tracking Your Cycle: With The Fertility Awareness Method

Tracking Your Cycle: With The Fertility Awareness Method

How often have you heard women's menstrual cycle is 28 days, and you ovulate on day 14?

This is a myth that is widely accepted as truth. Sadly this misunderstanding is the cause of countless unwanted pregnancies. And, this myth has prevented many couples who desired a pregnancy from attaining one. 

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Perineal Care After Childbirth

Perineal Care After Childbirth

One of the most common fears associated with childbirth is having a vaginal tear. Let me start by powerfully and honestly reminding you that your body is fully capable of giving birth and recovering completely. Your pelvic floor and vagina are made to give birth. Even if the muscles of your pelvic floor stretch and tear, they are woven together like a basket.  They are meant to expand, stretch and bounce back to its previous size. Your brilliant body is great at opening up completely and closing right back again.  However, having realistic expectations and some basic supplies will help you have a smooth postpartum recovery even if you have a perineal tear.

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Passionflower from Relaxation to First Aid

Passionflower from Relaxation to First Aid

Discover the Healing Power of Passionflower! 

Want a calming tea recipe you can make at home and a gentle herbal remedy to support your child’s rest and relaxation? Plus, learn how to wild harvest Passionflower. Plus learn was used by Native Americans for first aid! From soothing stress to helping your little ones unwind, this herb has it all.


Read more to get the recipe and explore more ways to bring Passionflower into your daily life!

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Birth Song Can Help You Get More Sleep

Birth Song Can Help You Get More Sleep
Each of our days are filled to the brim with so many tasks and obligations, we sometimes forget how this can impact us later when we are finally able to tune out and rest at the end of a long day. Birth Song Botanicals is here to help you achieve that deep relaxation and sleep our bodies need. Continue reading

Hypnotic Herbs for Deep Healing Sleep

Hypnotic Herbs for Deep Healing Sleep
On this episode of Apothecary Wisdom, we explore a class of herbs called Hypnotics. Hypnotic herbs offer a plethora of support when looking to remedy insomnia and achieve a deep, satisfying sleep. Continue reading