The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Support Your Child Athlete's Endurance and Immunity with Astragalus Root

Support Your Child Athlete's Endurance and Immunity with Astragalus Root

As a parent, keeping your children healthy and resilient is always a top priority—especially if they’re active in sports like football, soccer, or other demanding activities. At Birth Song Botanicals, we understand how important it is to support your child’s energy and strength, particularly during the changing seasons when immune systems are most vulnerable.

Read more to learn about the amazing benefits of Astragalus Root and try our delicious immune boosting soup recipe!

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Six Immune Benefits of Astragalus Root

Six Immune Benefits of Astragalus Root

Let me share a little with you about an ancient and powerful herb that I have grown to love and rely upon for keeping myself and my family healthy for years!


I've written about Astragalus Root in our Herbs for Kids Online Course and Ebook and have even shared a delicious and immune-boosting soup recipe. Today, I'd like to share six powerful Immune benefits of Astragalus Root.

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Combating Stress with Adaptogens

Combating Stress with Adaptogens

We live full, beautiful, and hectic lives. This level of activity day after day, week after week, is stress-FULL. Stress, as we all know, leads to “dis-ease.” With such a bountiful schedule, we do not have time to be sick with a cold, much less something more serious than that. This is how and where adaptogens come into play. 

Our Women's Balance herbal blend for stress relief is made with adaptogenic herbs to help you move through life with grace and powerfully.


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Guide To Children's Coughs, Colds & Flus

Guide To Children's Coughs, Colds & Flus
The ultimate guide to children's coughs, colds and flus is a resource filled with valuable information about which herbs are safe for kids. Learn about how to use immune boosting herbs this cold and flu season to keep your kids healthy. Herbs can help sick kids feel better quickly and safely by working with their bodies immune systems.  You will learn how to cook with herbs and DIY herbal medicine making.  Check it out!
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Immune Boosting Herbs for Kids

Immune Boosting Herbs for Kids
We all want the best for our children, but sometimes it can be difficult to know what to do. Especially when it comes to wellness, we want to know how to keep our kids from getting sick, or how to break the cycle of perpetual sickness that seems to come up from time to time. Use these immune boosting herbs to help keep your little one happy and healthy no matter what. Continue reading