The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Cultivating Heart-Centered Decision-Making in Pregnancy and Parenting: A Guide to the Full-Body-Yes Feeling!

Cultivating Heart-Centered Decision-Making in Pregnancy and Parenting: A Guide to the Full-Body-Yes Feeling!
Learning to develop heart-centered life/birth/parenting decision-making is an art and a skill that requires cultivation.  Cultivating the full-body-yes feeling leads to living/birthing/parenting authentically and courageously. Continue reading

Herbs for Hot Flashes in Menopause

Herbs for Hot Flashes in Menopause

In this blog, we explore the transformative journey of menopause and offer insights on preparing for this phase of life. I will highlight and emphasize the importance of understanding menopause as a gradual process rather than a sudden event involving hormonal changes leading to various symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and more.

We explore and seek to change the cultural perception of menopause, challenging the negative stereotypes associated with this powerful time in a woman's life.

I will share a holistic approach to menopause preparation, incorporating herbal remedies, mindfulness practices, and nourishing habits by providing specific suggestions, such as spending time in nature, practicing meditation, incorporating Qigong movements, consuming nourishing herbal teas, and using adaptogenic herbs like Ashwagandha and Tulsi.

Plus, I give a DIY recipe that you can blend yourself to cool and alleviate hot flashes and night sweats.

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Sacred Tulsi: A Natural Ally for Menopausal Women

Sacred Tulsi: A Natural Ally for Menopausal Women

Menopause deserves to be honored and celebrated just as much as starting our menstruation and having babies, but the associated symptoms, such as hot flashes, mood swings, and sleep disturbances, can make it challenging for many women to celebrate this season of their lives. 


So we search for herbs, wellness practices, and mediations to help us stay grounded in the truth of this experience as one that opens us up to even more profound wisdom and grace than ever before.


In the pursuit of holistic well-being during menopause, you may find Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, emerges as a valuable herbal ally. This sacred herb, revered in Ayurveda for its myriad health benefits, holds particular promise for menopausal women.

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Menstrual Cycle Syncing with Moon Phases, Herbs and Qigong

Menstrual Cycle Syncing with Moon Phases, Herbs and Qigong
In a world where technology reigns supreme, reconnecting with nature's rhythms is vital to our health and wellbeing. One ancient practice now becoming a trend and gaining popularity is cycle syncing - aligning your menstrual cycle with the moon's phases. In this blog, we'll explore the connection between your body's natural rhythms and the lunar cycle and how working with herbs, food, and Qigong supports this ancient practice for your modern-day life that is balanced and harmonious.  Continue reading

Harnessing the Power of Mugwort and the Moon

Harnessing the Power of Mugwort and the Moon
In the realm of herbalism, Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) stands out as a potent ally, revered for its multifaceted benefits that span centuries of traditional use. From its association with moon phases to its therapeutic properties, this herb continues to captivate practitioners and enthusiasts alike. Here, we delve into three key benefits of Mugwort. Continue reading

Kindle Your Passion with Lovers Passion Herbal Aphrodisiac Tea this Valentine's Day

Kindle Your Passion with Lovers Passion Herbal Aphrodisiac Tea this Valentine's Day

Embracing Romantic Ceremonies:

Lovers Passion is more than just a tea; it's an experience to share with your lover. Picture pouring it into a wine glass, creating an ambiance akin to sipping on a glass of hot, aromatic wine. Almost immediately, you'll feel the herbs working their magic, relaxing your body and bringing a smile to your face. Sharing this tea becomes a cherished ceremony that both partners will undoubtedly enjoy.

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Ignite Passion with Our Yoni Steam for Lovers this Valentine's Day

Ignite Passion with Our Yoni Steam for Lovers this Valentine's Day
 As Valentine's Day approaches, the desire to connect with ourselves and our partners on a deeper level becomes ever more profound. Imagine a ritual that not only excites and warms your body but also blesses your intimate moments with a touch of magic. Enter our Yoni Steam for Lovers—an infusion of aphrodisiac and sensual herbs designed to stimulate, open your heart space, and deepen desire. Continue reading

Botanica Erotica: Exploring Sensuality and Aphrodisiac Herbs

Botanica Erotica: Exploring Sensuality and Aphrodisiac Herbs

Hello Beautiful!  I’m so glad you are here with me right now!  May I ask you a personal question? Do you crave intimacy on your terms? Do you desire to experience a deeper more spiritual and sensual connection with yourself or your partner?

Welcome to “Botanica Erotica”, today we will embark on a sensuous journey connecting to our inner sensuality and discover which herbal aphrodisiacs are right for you. I will offer intuitive, and herbal wisdom to soften and deepening your sensuality with yourself and your partner.

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Womb Food Eat These Four Foods To Improve Your Uterine Health

Womb Food Eat These Four Foods To Improve Your Uterine Health
Love your body temple and honor your womb with these simple, delicious foods and herbs. As an empowered woman, you know how essential it is for your uterus to be healthy and vibrant. A healthy uterus is foundational to your overall wellbeing. The uterus, ovaries, and vagina are all considered your womb or yoni. These organs play a vital role in vitality, happiness, fertility, and babymaking!  Continue reading

RSV From Mild to Severe What You Need to Know

RSV From Mild to Severe What You Need to Know

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) pronounced Sin-sish-ul is a common viral infection.  It can be mild with cold like symptoms lasting 1-2 weeks, or it may require hospitalization.  In fact, RSV is the number 1 reason babies are hospitalized each year. There are outbreaks every fall through spring. The vast majority of babies under 2 years old will get RSV.  Fortunately only 2% of babies with RSV will need a high level of care.


Learn about how to manage mild to moderate RSV symptoms at home with naturally with herbal remedies. Also learn about high risk infants that may require hospitalization.

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