Tick Bites, Herbal First Aid, and Astragalus Root

Tick Bites, Herbal First Aid, and Astragalus Root

Warm weather means getting outside and playing in the garden, taking hikes, and being out in nature, which is lovely and essential to our healthy lives. 


Yet there are ticks out there, and many of those ticks carry dangerous bacteria that can lead to serious health risks. 


Your best defense against a tick-borne illness is your own healthy immune system. Your immune system has immune cells capable of fending off pathogens and infections, keeping you well protected. Astragalus Root is a well trusted immune fortifying herb that is an ally for protecting against tick bite infections. 


This blog will show you how to safely remove a tick and care for the bite with herbal remedies. So you can comfortably enjoy our beautiful mother nature!


Before you head out, make sure you apply our natural Bug Stopper Essential Oil to your ankles and bare skin for that extra layer of protection.


Tick Bite


Tick Bite Removal with Herbal First Aid

Gather these supplies:


Tick Bite


Here’s how to safely remove a tick from your skin:

1. Take a deep breath and calmly grab the tick close to the skin with fine point tweezers.

2. Pull straight up and away from the skin with even pressure.

3. Do not twist or jerk the tick, as this can lead to mouth parts remaining in the skin.

4. If any pieces of the tick remain embedded in the skin, do your best to get all of it out.

5. Place the tick in a plastic bag to send it to your local tick lab.


Tick Bite


How to care for a tick bite:

1. Wash the bite site with soap and water, and dry it

2. Spray the bite with Herbal Wound Recovery Spray.

3. Put a drop or two of Bug Stopper Essential Oil* placed directly into the tick bite site.

4. Put 1-2 drops of Echinacea Complex Tincture directly into the tick bite site.

5. Meanwhile, mix bentonite clay or activated charcoal, or Herbal First Aid Powder with a small amount of water or tincture, which you apply over the tick bite site.

6. Cover the clay/charcoal/herbal powder with a bandage to secure it for 12-24 hours.


Tick Bite



 12. Take homeopathic Ledum Palustre 30c by placing 1-2 pellets under your tongue, and allow it to melt. Do not touch the pellets; simply drop them from the container under your tongue. Repeat three times a day for 7 days total.

13. Take 1 dropper of Astragalus Root Complex internally 3-4 times daily for 2 weeks only.

14.Take 1 dropper of Echinacea Complex internally 3-4 x daily for 2 weeks.

15. As the bite is healing, you can apply Plantain Healing Salve to speed recovery externally.


Tick Bite

If you are bit by a tick and have been taking an astragalus supplement it can help your body fight off the bacteria. Astragalus is very safe to take long term but according to Web MD it is not recommended for women who are pregnant and anyone with MS, rheumatoid arthritis, system lupus or other autoimmune dieseases.



Do NOT take Astragalus Root Complex. Astragalus is not for active infections. It is intended for fortifying the immune system. It will make your immune system work stronger, making your symptoms worse. 


If you are bit by a tick and have been taking an astragalus supplement it can help your body fight off the bacteria. Astragalus is very safe to take long term but according to Web MD it is not recommended for women who are pregnant and anyone with MS, rheumatoid arthritis, system lupus or other autoimmune diseases.


Tick Bite


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