The Ultimate Natural Pregnancy Guide

Being pregnant, whether for the first time or for a number of times, is a special and unique experience for each and every woman. Serving hundreds of families as a midwife and herbalist has shaped me and shown me a thing or two about common pregnancy experiences that women go through. I have created the Ultimate Natural Pregnancy Guide to help you embrace your pregnancy and prepare for your birth.
In this guide, you will find several articles about choosing the right care provider and planning your birth. You will also find articles about celebrating your pregnancy as a rite of passage, as well as facing some uncomfortable feelings that come along with being pregnant.
Every client of mine, past and present, knows I am going to ask about what they are eating, how they are sleeping, and what they are doing to keep fit and healthy. There are several articles here to help you stay active, well nourished, and vibrant in pregnancy.
Many of my clients have experienced really gratifying births. I find myself reminding them that they didn't just get lucky, they got realistically prepared for the realities of birth. So in order for you to be prepared for your birth, no matter how it unfolds, I have also included several articles about what happens when you go over your due date and what you need to have on hand for your postpartum recovery.
In addition to The Ultimate Natural Pregnancy Guide, I created The Ultimate Natural Breastfeeding Guide, too.
So my love, I invite you to brew a cup of Lady In Waiting Pregnancy Tea and start reading and empowering yourself to be prepared for your birth, because your baby will be here before you know it!
The Ultimate Natural Pregnancy Guide
Pregnancy Planning
Being an active planner and participant in your pregnancy is essential if you want a birth that you feel really good about. Knowing your options and what to expect will help ease lots of unnecessary stress.
Your first meeting with your potential midwife or doctor is an important one. I want you to be prepared with a thoughtful list of intelligent questions about their practice, and what to realistically expect through out your pregnancy and birth and birth experience.
Click here to Know the Difference Between a Midwife, OB, and Doula- 50 Questions To Ask
Did you just find out you are pregnant and are starting to look for a midwife? Awesome and congratulations! You are in the right place at the right time because Today's episode of Apothecary Wisdom is dedicated to helping you hire the best midwife for your home birth by preparing you to have an effective consultation. I want you to know what to do before, during, and after your consultation so you can have the safe and empowering home birth you desire.
Click here to hire to hire a midwife
I'm here to say with confidence that home birth is a safe birth option for healthy, low-risk women! You, my friend, if you are wanting a home birth, are not being negligent. You are being wise! I have the habit of talking to the pregnant woman, but in this post I want to talk to you and to your partner, your mother, and your mother in law. Because they don't understand the value and legitimacy of home birth. They don't have the frame of reference for it. So, please watch this video and share it with them so they can understand your situation better and support you to have the birth that you want.
Click here and learn how safe home birth actually is
For those of you who are choosing to have a midwife at your birth, I created a home birth birth plan for you to have a frame work for writing a practical birth plan for a home delivery. In this template, I discuss everything from water birth to hospital transports so that you can be prepared for all situations.
Click here to download your home birth birth plan template
Being pregnant is a time of celebration and connecting with family and friends. Baby showers are a great way to get all the baby gear that you could ever need. A blessingway is different. A blessingway is a wonderful opportunity to honor the transformation that a woman goes through to become a mother. Blessingways are soulful and feminine and wholesome. They celebrate motherhood and women.
Click here to learn how to plan your blessing way ceremony
As much as pregnancy can be a wonderful time pregnancy can also spark this little thing called "Mom Guilt." How are you going to love this new baby like you love your other child? How are you going to be able to take care of a newborn when you are already taking care of other children? How?!?
Click here to read about healthy ways to overcome mom guilt
Pregnancy Discomforts
A woman's body goes through immense growth and change when she is pregnant. Some of it is lovely, and some of it is uncomfortable. The most common pregnancy complaint is being tired and worn out. Pregnant women can have a hard time getting enough sleep to feel rested the next day.
Click here to read our pregnancy sleep survival guide
If morning sickness would just happen in the morning maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Of course we know that it can happen any time of the day and can last for several weeks.
Click here to read how to get morning sickness remedies
Digestive issues go beyond morning sickness. Digestive issues enter into the realm of heart burn, nausea and irritable bowel.
Click here to read about how to find relief from natural pregnancy digestive issues.
Feeling tired, having sore hips and back, feeling restless and uncomfortable with carpel tunnel, and morning sickness oh my!
Click here to read about how to find some comfort from all these pregnancy discomforts
Pregnancy Nutrition & Fitness
Being diligent and mindful about you nourish yourself and how you move your pregnant body will help you feel good in your skin. The healthier you are the better you feel. The better you feel, the better you birth, and the better you birth, the better you mother.
Organic herbal pregnancy tea is a wonderful way to get absorbable vitamins and minerals that you need to prepare your uterus for birth. Pregnancy tea can be helpful with reducing swelling, relives morning sickness, improves iron levels, eases bowel movements and prepares your body for birth and breastfeeding.
Click here to read all about how great herbal pregnancy tea is for you
Pregnancy nutrition is the foundation to a healthy pregnancy. Getting enough calcium, iron and protein in your daily diet will help you grow a healthy vibrant baby that is just the right size to push out.
Click here to read what healthy pregnancy nutrition looks like
Yoga is the union of the body and the mind. As a midwife, one of my primary jobs is to help pregnant women connect with their bodies. Yoga, breath, and exercise are all great ways to connect to your growing and changing body.
Click here to read about natural pregnancy fitness
Staying fit or getting fit in pregnancy takes a lot of creativity and commitment. Sometimes we need gentle reminders and encouragement to take that walk or to roll out the yoga mat.
Click here to get the support you need to have a healthy fit pregnancy
For the laboring mother, the work of birth is internal. You’re focusing on breathing and your baby as you move toward that moment when her velvet skin will be on your chest. Meanwhile, the birth team is busy with their own tasks, which aren’t so self-contained. They'll use tools and supplies from beginning to end to help you move through birth as comfortably as possible.
Click here to read all about the Home Birth Supplies you need to have on hand:
At the end of your pregnancy, you might find yourself in an awkward situation where a part of you feels ready for the baby to be here so you can see her and hold her, while another part of you might feel like you have so much to do and you don't feel ready to give birth right away. Not to mention you might be getting pressure from your loved ones and care providers to hurry up and have this baby already!
Click here to read about what to expect when you go over your due date
This next article is for you when you are past your due date, you trust the process of natural birth, and you don't want to force anything. Still, you want to make gentle proactive steps to help prepare your body for birth so you can go into labor naturally.
Click here to read how to induce your labor naturally and safely
A huge part of a satisfying birth is to know what to expect, and being prepared for what happens to your body during labor and after birth. Having what you need on hand for perineal care before you give birth will save you from some unnecessary pain after you push your baby out.
Click here to read about the essentials of after birth perineal care
We all know that sometimes a natural birth or even a vaginal birth is not recommended for everyone. This next article is for you if you find yourself having a scheduled Cesarean Birth and you still want a peaceful and empowering experience.
Click here to read how to prepare for a planned cesarean birth
Herbal Products Natural Moms Love
Being pregnant, breastfeeding, and raising young children is a time for gentleness, purity, organic, and safe herbal remedies. It is a time when we choose only the highest quality for our bodies and our babies.
Click here to check out our deluxe herbal gift set for pregnant women and breastfeeding moms