The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Drinking Alcohol and Breastfeeding

Drinking Alcohol and Breastfeeding
Many people believe that if you are a breastfeeding mother, drinking alcohol is off the table. This is not true, though. Light drinking a few times a week is usually fine. Know the facts about breast milk and alcohol, and you will be able to enjoy a beer or glass of wine without worry. Continue reading

Self Care Must Haves for New Moms

Self Care Must Haves for New Moms
Your postpartum time with your new baby can be a magical time of bonding, snuggles, sweet baby sounds, breastfeeding, healing, and rest. It can also be exhausting, frustrating, physically uncomfortable, and challenging. Focusing on your own care means you will more easily be able to care for your newborn. For many of us, it is hard to put our own needs first - as women we often focus on what is best for the whole group, and put our individual needs behind others. However, when you have just given birth and are caring for a newborn, your needs and the baby’s needs work together in a special way. When you are taken care of, it is easier for you to take care of your baby. Now is the time to focus on what is best for you and your newborn. Continue reading

Five Benefits to Extended Breastfeeding

Five Benefits to Extended Breastfeeding
Extended breastfeeding, or breastfeeding beyond the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended 1 year of age is still far from the norm in the United States, although there are many reasons why a mother and child may choose to continue their nursing relationship. Here are some common reasons why mothers may choose to continue to nurse beyond a year. Continue reading

How to Achieve A Proper Breastfeeding Latch

How to Achieve A Proper Breastfeeding Latch
A good latch is the strong foundation you need to have a successful breastfeeding experience. A healthy breastfeeding latch will reduce nipple soreness and encourage your baby to suckle deeply, which stimulates your milk to flow. Sometimes a good latch comes easily, but in many cases, you will need to work with your baby to get the latch you need. This is the first time for your baby to breastfeed too! And don’t worry, soon enough you and your baby will be breastfeeding easily, and you won’t even have to think about it. It may take some work to get there, but you can most likely meet your breastfeeding goals. Continue reading

Newborn Weight Gain for Breastfed Babies

Newborn Weight Gain for Breastfed Babies
If there is anything a new momma wants more than anything else, it is for her baby to be healthy and thriving. One of the main ways that we can tell your baby is healthy is through her weight gain. Knowing what to look for, how much your baby should be gaining, and how to know what is healthy goes a long way towards relieving any worry you may have. Continue reading

8 Things I Wish I Knew About Breastfeeding Before Giving Birth!

8 Things I Wish I Knew About Breastfeeding Before Giving Birth!
We all have our ideas about how breastfeeding will go for us, especially if we haven’t breastfed before.  Well reality is usually much, much different. And there is not that much glowing. There are latch issues, and fussy babes, and tired mamas, and sore nipples, and everyone is worn out and cranky and in need of some food and a nap. Continue reading

Self Care Must Have Items for Birth

Self Care Must Have Items for Birth

...taking care of yourself during your labor and delivery and immediate postpartum period is so vitally important. Birth calls upon your strength in ways you may not have experienced before. Providing the environment for that strength to fully emerge is what self care is all about.

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Tips for Breastfeeding While Pregnant

Tips for Breastfeeding While Pregnant
Sometimes, the first sign that you are pregnant is sore nipples. If you are still nursing your infant or toddler, those sore nipples may be extra sensitive and may cause you to question whether or not you want to continue nursing throughout your pregnancy. If you are nearing the end of your breastfeeding relationship with your current child, a pregnancy may push you to finalize weaning. However, if you want to continue nursing, there are things you can do to make the experience more comfortable for you and your baby. Continue reading

Support For The First Weeks Breastfeeding

Support For The First Weeks Breastfeeding

The first few weeks of breastfeeding can be overwhelming, frustrating, exhausting, and wonderfully sweet. Knowing what is normal and preparing yourself and your environment beforehand can help you immeasurably. Taking care of yourself and taking care of your baby are ideally your only jobs at first, and you and your baby deserve that golden time of rest, healing, and connection.

 For herbal self care and breastfeeding products, go HERE.

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Breastfeeding Sleep Benefits for New Families

Breastfeeding Sleep Benefits for New Families
What if there was a way that you could get the rest you need, your baby could get the attention they need, and everyone could get a good night's sleep? Breastfeeding can help a lot when it comes to sleep. In addition to the numerous benefits to mom and baby, breastfeeding can actually help new parents to get more sleep. Continue reading