Receive Your Word of the Year! Introduction, Meditation & Journaling

Receive Your Word of the Year!  Introduction, Meditation & Journaling

Today, I’d like to share a popular tradition that I’ve grown to love with you because it brings me so much clarity in my life.  Before we get started, you’ll need to grab your pen and paper because I’m going to guide you through a meditation and journaling experience to receive your word of the year. 



Watch this video for an Introduction to the concept of choosing a word for the year along with the meditation and journaling exercise. Or scroll down to enjoy the audio meditation.




Listen to audio of the entire Introduction- Meditation & Journaling Experience:




Continue to Read and listen to the meditation only: 

Having a word of the year has become a guiding principle for me. My word is the filter, the focal point, in which all my activities flow. So today, with your permission, I’d like to lead you through the process of receiving your word, your compass, your focal point.


This simple process has been so phenomenal for me that I’m really excited to get to share it with you. I invite you to share this process with your friends and loved ones too. I know they will really appreciate it.


In order for you to get the most out of this experience I need to give a little context.


I first learned about this concept from Danielle LaPorte 8 years ago.  She talks a lot about core desired feelings and how your desires can lead you to beauty and greatness.


She talks about how each word has a resonance, a vibration, a sacred meaning. It can influence and shape everything you do. The word that chooses you this year is part doing and part being. Those of us on the path of self-actualization talk about the difference between doing something and being something. Your word is both. It is something you do and something you are.


It is a word that fits into all areas of your life. It works in the kitchen, the bedroom, work, in your conversations with clients, relationships, with your kids; it influences the things you buy, keep, get rid of. It helps you show up in the world in alignment with your purpose.


 Word of the year


Here are some of my past words. See if you can feel the energy and essence that each of these words hold. My first word or core desired feeling 7 years ago was BOLD. That year I turned 40 and made it a point to have bold conversations and to take bold, imperfect action. That year, I started going to karate again, and when my Kyo Sa handed me my white belt, it had a label stitched on it that said BOLD. That is when I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is something to this. 


I want to highlight the important distinction of receiving a word vs. picking a word. When you receive a word, it fits into all areas of your life. When you pick a word with your mind, it sounds really good, but it doesn’t reach into all facets of your life. For example, 2 years ago, I picked the word PLEASURE but didn’t feel comfortable sharing my word with my clients, the stranger at the store, or even my close friends without needing to hide it a little. The experience taught me the distinction between receiving and choosing the word. Receiving a word harmonizes all areas of your life; choosing a word doesn’t. When I opened myself, I received the word AUTHENTIC. 


 Receive your word


Last year (2020) my word was RECIPROCITY. I have to admit that word has been the most challenging word. Under the word, reciprocity is a mirror, a give and take. Every thought, emotion, or action I do is met with equal emotion or action. When I’m upset so are others around me. When I’m open and generous, so is everyone else. This word shows me how much we influence those around us!


My word for 2021 was RADIANCE. It’s through the practice of Qigong that I received my word this year. I can feel the energy radiating out of me. From my center outward, like the rays of the sun.


This year the word BEAUTY choose me.  I'm excited to experience this word.  I am already sensing how deeply I hide my beauty and don't recognize it in myself as easily as I see it in others. 


I’d like to guide you through the process of receiving your word of the year. Go ahead and grab your pen and paper. And start to get comfortable. Click on the image below and I'm going to guide you through a meditation and journaling experience.

Guided meditation for journaling 

I’m so curious what word are you going to receive?


Follow the meditation on Youtube:


Follow the meditation on Soundcloud:


Well, my loves, I hope you enjoyed this experience. Remember, you can share it with your friends, and this video is here for you if you’d like to go through the process again.

I’m so honored and excited to see how these words unfold in your life this next year!

Remember, we practice Qigong every Tuesday morning online.  You are officially invited to join! My word of the year was revealed to me through Qigong practice. I wonder what Qigong will offer you?


Until next time breathe deep and always walk in beauty.




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