The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Woman's Balance - A Graceful and Transformative Journey

Woman's Balance - A Graceful and Transformative Journey

Balance is not about being perfect all the time, nor that your life is exactly rationed into equal parts. Instead, being in balance means you are in the right season for things to unfold and flourish in their appropriate time.  Learn how to find your center and stay balanced with qigong and nourishing herbal infusions

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Receive Your Word of the Year! Introduction, Meditation & Journaling

Receive Your Word of the Year!  Introduction, Meditation & Journaling

Today, I’d like to share a popular tradition that I’ve grown to love with you because it brings me so much clarity in my life.  Before we get started, you’ll need to grab your pen and paper because I’m going to guide you through a meditation and journaling experience to receive your word of the year. 


Having a word of the year has become a guiding principle for me. My word is the filter, the focal point, in which all my activities flow. So today, with your permission, I’d like to lead you through the process of receiving your word, your compass, your focal point.


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Winter Qigong- Embrace the Yin

Winter Qigong- Embrace the Yin
According to The Five Element Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, winter is the extreme yin season. Each season has its unique set of qualities and attributes. Winter is associated with the internal organs; the kidneys, bladder, and adrenal glands. The colors are black/blue. The element is water. The sound is chui. Each organ holds emotions. The kidneys have the capacity to hold the spectrum of emotion. An imbalanced kidney or deficient kidney Qi holds fear, depression, paranoia. Balanced kidneys hold wisdom, awareness, and courage.
The practice of qigong in winter helps us fortify our will power and creativity so we can face our fears and raise our spirit.
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Postpartum Depression and Anxiety- How Herbs, Placenta Pills and Meditation Can Help

Postpartum Depression and Anxiety-  How Herbs, Placenta Pills and Meditation Can Help
I'd like to begin by congratulating and honoring you and the fact that you've given birth, and you have a sweet baby. I want to take the time to check in with you and process how your postpartum is going. This episode of Apothecary Wisdom is dedicated to postpartum moms who feel like they have the baby blues or postpartum depression. We will explore the immense life changes, the symptoms of PPD, and find helpful ways to improve your mood with food, placenta medicine, herbs, supplements, meditations, and radical self-care. Continue reading

Journey into Motherhood

Journey into Motherhood
When you are pregnant you need lots of support so you can have a happy fit pregnancy.  The thing is, when I say "you need support", I’m not only talking about how another person can help you. I want to show you how other supportive measures, like meditation and herbs, can comfort you during pregnancy and guide you as you journey into motherhood. Continue reading

3 Keys to a Healthy Pregnancy

3 Keys to a Healthy Pregnancy

Discover the 3 Keys to a Healthy Pregnancy. We strive for a healthy, fit pregnancy for so many reasons, not just physical health. Pregnancy is a time of joy and personal growth, of beauty and discomfort, of stretching and changing, all wrapped up in the journey to meet a brand new little person. It’s not only about eating well and moving your body. It’s a whole-person effort. Discover the three components that can help make this your best pregnancy ever.

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How to Heal from Mom Burnout

How to Heal from Mom Burnout

The trap is so easy to fall into. As moms, it feels like we do everything. Gestate the baby, deliver the baby, feed the baby, wear the baby…mom burnout makes sense in the early years, because our children are basically an extension of our own bodies. As the years go on, even when other family members can chip in more and more, the child’s needs change but the demand stays the same. In fact, it probably increases, just in different ways.

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Pregnancy Heart Word Guided Meditation

Pregnancy Heart Word Guided Meditation
As a pregnant woman, you check in with your baby every day to see how she is doing in there.  Today, I'm asking you to check in with yourself as you prepare for your birth journey.  This simple yet powerful meditation guides you to check in with yourself every day and see how YOU are doing. Continue reading