The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

3 Benefits of Herbal Pregnancy Tea to Help Prepare You for Birth

3 Benefits of Herbal Pregnancy Tea to Help Prepare You for Birth
Organic Herbal pregnancy tea provides vital hydration, vitamins and minerals for your growing and changing body.  In this post, you'll learn 3 benefits of drinking herbal tea while you grow your baby and prepare your body to give birth.  You will also learn about my personal favorite herbs in Lady in Waiting Herbal Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Tea that supports your optimal health as you embrace motherhood. Continue reading

How to Induce Labor Naturally and Safely

How to Induce Labor Naturally and Safely
As a midwife and an herbalist, I’m frequently asked how to induce labor naturally. I understand the angst and worry that comes when we think baby should be here by now, especially if you are getting pressure from your doctor to induce your labor. If you are going to attempt to induce labor with natural methods, these are some things you might try first.  Our Lady in Waiting tea is a gentle way to prepare your body for birth. Continue reading

3 Keys to a Healthy Pregnancy

3 Keys to a Healthy Pregnancy

Discover the 3 Keys to a Healthy Pregnancy. We strive for a healthy, fit pregnancy for so many reasons, not just physical health. Pregnancy is a time of joy and personal growth, of beauty and discomfort, of stretching and changing, all wrapped up in the journey to meet a brand new little person. It’s not only about eating well and moving your body. It’s a whole-person effort. Discover the three components that can help make this your best pregnancy ever.

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How To Prioritize Pregnancy Nutrition

How To Prioritize Pregnancy Nutrition

The relationship between food and pregnancy are intricate and can be frustrating, especially when your nausea and reduced stomach space don’t agree with your cravings or appetite! Keeping some nourishing herbs and basic healing foods on hand can help make pregnancy nutrition simpler.

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