The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Five Benefits to Extended Breastfeeding

Five Benefits to Extended Breastfeeding
Extended breastfeeding, or breastfeeding beyond the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended 1 year of age is still far from the norm in the United States, although there are many reasons why a mother and child may choose to continue their nursing relationship. Here are some common reasons why mothers may choose to continue to nurse beyond a year. Continue reading

How Breastfeeding Changes As Baby Grows

How Breastfeeding Changes As Baby Grows
Breastfeeding changes as your baby gets older. But how, exactly? One of the amazing things about your breastmilk is that it does change in composition based on what your baby and growing child needs. But beyond that, how does your experience of breastfeeding change? Once you have moved beyond the first three months of non-stop nursing and are more out and about, what is it like then? Once you have gotten your latch down, when you can just put your baby in the general area of your breast, what are the challenges then? Well, there are still some. They aren’t as challenging as the sore nipples and latch issues of the first couple of weeks, and they may even be kind of funny, but they are still there. Continue reading