The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Prepare Yourself for your Postpartum Recovery and Life with a Newborn

Prepare Yourself for your Postpartum Recovery and Life with a Newborn

As a first time mama, I was so focused on preparing for birth. This life changing event was one I would approach with total preparation. I read all that I could, and did all that I could to prepare.

While preparing extensively for birth is a wonderful idea, I made the mistake of overlooking the crucial postpartum recovery period and what the first days and weeks with a newborn is really like.

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Oriana's Beautiful Home Birth Story

Oriana's Beautiful Home Birth Story
When Oriana found out she was pregnant with baby number two she knew right away she would have another home birth.   Giving birth naturally at home seemed to her them most normal way to give birth. Listen to her story and find out why home birth was the obvious choice for her. Continue reading