Soothe an Upset Stomach with Herbs

Soothe an Upset Stomach with Herbs
Stomach Soother is a delicious glycerite and a classic nausea remedy.


You know the feeling when your belly starts to cramp up, a wave of heat rushes through your body, until your body–somewhat violently–forces you to purge what was in your stomach, then you starts to sweat. Soon, you become chilled as you finally start to feel better. Until the next wave comes. You try to remain as still as possible so you don't strum up another round. 

Belly aches can be caused from poor food choices, old food that has been left out for too long, food allergies, motion sickness, nervousness, bacteria, and or viruses. What is a mom to do when her little one is feeling like this? 

Herbs that Sooth an Upset Stomach

Be prepared to deal with upset stomachs beforehand so that you are ready to act when it hits. Having some of these remedies on hand when you are traveling is also a great idea. Here's what I keep on hand for stomachaches in my household.

  • Ginger is a spicy, delicious root that is world famous for it's ability to address various types of stomach problems, including motion sickness, belly aches, colic, upset stomach, gas, diarrhea, and nausea. Ginger's heat helps stimulate digestive juices, thus improving digestion.
  • Chamomile is another lovely herb that releases muscle tension and improves digestion. Chamomile is also great at calming down someone who is nervous or afraid of being sick.
  • Fennel seeds have a pleasant licorice flavor. In india, after a meal, people typically eat a handful of fennel seeds to help digest their meals.
  • Peppermint is one of my favorite herbs! It is hot and cold at the same time. And it is stimulating and relaxing at the same time, too. Children of all ages love peppermint, it calms their belly aches, soothes their headaches, and freshens their breath if they have been vomiting.

Herbs that are very aromatic and flavorful such as ginger, peppermint, chamomile and fennel are all classified as "carminative." That means they improve digestion and expel gas. All of these delicious herbs have the ability to help soften intense abdominal cramps, improve digestion, expel gas, and are antibacterial.

How to Give Herbs to Kids

Tinctures are by far the easiest way to give children herbal remedies - especially if you are traveling. Tinctures are wonderful, convenient ways to have access to your herbal medicine in almost every situation. Tincture bottles are small and very easy to carry in a purse or backpack. You can even travel with them on a plane. They do not require refrigeration and are very concentrated, so a little goes a long way. They are easy to take and easy to give to children. Definition reminder:

  • Tinctures are herbal supplements that are prepared with alcohol and distilled water. They are a more concentrated form of herbal medicine than teas.
  • Glycerites are a type of tincture are made with sugary glycerin instead of grain alcohol. They are very sweet and are fairly thick in consistency. They tend to be more palatable than tinctures, especially for young children. They are not as potent as tinctures, which makes them an excellent choice for children.

Here is a handy chart to help you figure out the correct amount to give your child, based on their age and weight:




Infants 6+ months

Up to 20 lbs.

1 drop per 5 lbs. of body weight, 1-3 times daily

1-2 years

Up to 24 lbs.

1 ml, 3 times daily

2-4 years

24-48 lbs.

1-2 ml, 3 times daily

6 + years

49+ lbs.

2-3 ml, 3-4 times daily

Stomach Soother

Stomach Soother is a delicious glycerite and is a classic nausea remedy. Ginger, fennel, and peppermint are wonderful digestive herbs that work with your body to assist in digestion, aid in the expulsion of painful gas, motion sickness, and help relieve the symptoms of nausea and vomiting. It is my first go to remedy in this situation.

Dosage: You can use the chart provided to determine appropriate amount to give to your child based on their age and weight. Having said that, these herbs are safe for children, and I give this remedy to my son based on his symptoms. When he has a stomachache, I give him 1 dose every 15 minutes until I see improvement, then I space it out to every 30 minutes and re-evaluate. If I see improvement, I space the next dose to every hour, then every few hours.

It is not appropriate to dose your children like this with every herbal remedy. But I wanted you to know that this is how I personally give this remedy to myself and my son. I talk more about dosages in the free Herbs for Kids course.

stomach soother

Children's Tranquility

This calming glycerite contains chamomile, catnip, passion flower, and valerian root. Chamomile, catnip and passion flower are wonderful for relaxing both muscle tension and nervous tension. These herbs have such a gentle yet broad reach. They are great at calming an upset stomach, reducing a fever, and calming down a nervous, anxious, or whiney child.

Children's Tranquility is used to help support Stomach Soother. Make Stomach Soother your primary remedy that you give more frequently, and have Children's Tranquility on hand to help your child calm down, quiet down, and rest. Stick to the recommend dosages that are given on the bottle.

Children's Tranquility

Creative Herbal Medicine

If you are home you can give your child sips of herbal tea. Admittedly, it can sometimes be a challenge to get children to drink enough tea. So, instead of insisting that they drink a whole cup of tea, you can mix of half and half with organic juice and make an herbal popsicle. You can also put your tinctures or glycerites in your herbal popsicles for added potency.

What I like most about herbal popsicles is how much children love them, and perhaps most importantly, how your non-compliant little patient will be none the wiser that their sweet treat is a medicinal one. Plus, popsicles help keep your child hydrated, which is super important if they have been vomiting.

  • Make a cup or a quart of tea with the herbs previously mentioned, but use 3 times the amount of herbs you would normally use.
  • After pouring boiling water over your herbs, cover and steep the tea for an hour.
  • Once this strong tea is made, strain out the solids, pressing hard to extract all the liquid. Measure how much liquid you have.
  • Stir in an equal amount of organic fruit juice, such as apple or grape.
  • Pour into popsicle molds, freeze, and give to your child as needed.

An upset stomach is a miserable experience, and none of us want our children to be miserable! These herbal remedies can help to ease your little one's sick stomach and help both of you to rest easier. 



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