The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Soothe an Upset Stomach with Herbs

Soothe an Upset Stomach with Herbs

Be prepared to deal with upset stomachs beforehand so that you are ready to act when it hits. Here's what I keep on hand for stomachaches in my household. 

Stomach Soother is a delicious glycerite and a classic nausea remedy.
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    How to Enjoy Your Period

    How to Enjoy Your Period

    What messages are in your menstrual cycles?  

    Today, let's connect with our wombs and practice listening, observing, and learning from our bodies. There is so much information stored in our blood, breast, bones, and breath. It takes patience, curiosity, and compassion to be a good listener.

    Often we feel vulnerable, and our periods are private personal experiences. I think we feel that way because our blood comes from deep inside us. It comes from the most amazingly creative and productive space in our bodies: that space that no one can feel but us. I mean, so many things come from there. From mucus to blood, clots, amniotic fluid, and babies to art, businesses, healing practices, to everything in between.  

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    4 Herbs that Soothe Teething Symptoms

    4 Herbs that Soothe Teething Symptoms

    Teething remedies, like any herbal products for young babies, can be intimidating to choose. It seems like all of the big name teething products have been under fire for one reason or another. So how can you help baby with his teething symptoms without worrying about his safety?

    Children’s Tranquility herbal tincture is a blend of gentle herbs that are safe for baby and may be effective against teething symptoms. 

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    Treat Childhood Fevers with Herbs

    Treat Childhood Fevers with Herbs

    Fevers are nature’s way to rid the body of infection and are actually a sign of a healthy immune system. On the other hand, they can be dangerous if they get too high or last too long. Children tend to run hotter than adults do, as well.

    The good news is that there is a lot we can do to treat childhood fevers with herbs, and today we'll walk through some of the options. 

    Children's Immune Boost tincture can help your little ones stay healthy all year long.

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    Finding Relief from Pregnancy Insomnia

    Finding Relief from Pregnancy Insomnia

    On one hand, pregnancy insomnia is an important part of prenatal preparation. Your body is wise, and it is trying to prepare you for the long nights that lay ahead. But on the other hand, pregnancy insomnia can lead to overwhelm and burnout. The good news is that there are natural ways to make your nights more restful. Here are a few tips to help you get the rest you need, even if you struggle with pregnancy insomnia.

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