The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Natural Solutions for PMS Symptoms

Natural Solutions for PMS Symptoms

Women of the world who seek natural solutions for PMS and wish to embrace your bodies as beautiful!


Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Many women walk this path, seeking harmony and balance, and together, we can share knowledge, support, and strength. Celebrate your womanhood and all the nuances it brings. Your strength, resilience, and beauty shine through in every moment.


Trust in your body, listen to its signals, and treat yourself with the kindness and compassion you deserve. You are powerful, wise, and perfectly you.




Having said that, let's face it. Women often experience a variety of complaints regarding their menstrual cycle. 


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Womb Food Eat These Four Foods To Improve Your Uterine Health

Womb Food Eat These Four Foods To Improve Your Uterine Health
Love your body temple and honor your womb with these simple, delicious foods and herbs. As an empowered woman, you know how essential it is for your uterus to be healthy and vibrant. A healthy uterus is foundational to your overall wellbeing. The uterus, ovaries, and vagina are all considered your womb or yoni. These organs play a vital role in vitality, happiness, fertility, and babymaking!  Continue reading

Tulsi: A Sacred Herb for Menopause

Tulsi: A Sacred Herb for Menopause

Menopause deserves to be honored and celebrated just as much as starting our menstruation and having babies, but the associated symptoms, such as hot flashes, mood swings, and sleep disturbances, can make it challenging for many women to celebrate this season of their lives. 


So we search for herbs, wellness practices, and mediations to help us stay grounded in the truth of this experience as one that opens us up to even more profound wisdom and grace than ever before.


In the pursuit of holistic well-being during menopause, you may find Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, emerges as a valuable herbal ally. This sacred herb, revered in Ayurveda for its myriad health benefits, holds particular promise for menopausal women.


I sincerely hope this is supportive of your transition.




Want More?!?  Check these out!

Herbal Products for PMS:

Herbal Period Supplements

Stress Relief and Sleep


 Blog Posts:

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Herbs for Hot Flashes in Menopause

Herbs for Hot Flashes in Menopause

 In this blog, we explore the transformative journey of menopause and offer insights on preparing for this phase of life. I will highlight and emphasize the importance of understanding menopause as a gradual process rather than a sudden event involving hormonal changes leading to various symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and more.

We explore and seek to change the cultural perception of menopause, challenging the negative stereotypes associated with this powerful time in a woman's life.

I will share a holistic approach to menopause preparation, incorporating herbal remedies, mindfulness practices, and nourishing habits by providing specific suggestions, such as spending time in nature, practicing meditation, incorporating Qigong movements, consuming nourishing herbal teas, black cohosh, and using adaptogenic herbs like Ashwagandha and Tulsi.

Plus, I give a DIY recipe that you can blend yourself to cool and alleviate hot flashes and night sweats.

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Harnessing the Power of Mugwort and the Moon

Harnessing the Power of Mugwort and the Moon
In the realm of herbalism, Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) stands out as a potent ally, revered for its multifaceted benefits that span centuries of traditional use. From its association with moon phases to its therapeutic properties, this herb continues to captivate practitioners and enthusiasts alike. Here, we delve into three key benefits of Mugwort. Continue reading

Balancing Hormones with Seed Cycling

Balancing Hormones with Seed Cycling

Join me as we dive in and discover seed cycling for hormonal balance and fertility support. Learn about the seeds involved, their impact on hormone balance, and seamlessly integrate this practice into your daily routine.


Are you familiar with seed cycling for balancing hormones?

Seed cycling is becoming more popular and for good reason because we are seeing significant promise in supporting hormonal health, a concern increasingly prevalent among women today.

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Yoni Steam- The Sacred Origin, The Herbs, and How To Steam

Yoni Steam- The Sacred Origin, The Herbs, and How To Steam

Hello Beautiful! Have you experienced a yoni steam?

On today’s episode of Apothecary Wisdom, we’ll explore the restorative practice of yoni steams. There is a lot you need to know about them. Yoni steams offer us the to restore the disconnect from our female body, yoni/uterus, whether that be from birth, unsatisfying intimate experiences, trauma, abuse, surgeries, or just cultural disconnect.

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Exploring Herbal Support for Perimenopausal Women

Exploring Herbal Support for Perimenopausal Women

As a perimenopausal woman, you may be exploring which herbs and botanicals  can help manage the symptoms and challenges accompanying this natural life transition. Herbal medicine and women's wisdom are intertwined and rooted in nature and ancestral ways. We call this the wise woman way.


In this blog, I will share with you some of the most well-known and loved herbs for perimenopausal women. 




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Why Do I Have a Low Milk Supply?

Why Do I Have a Low Milk Supply?
Are you one of the millions of moms who wonder if you are making enough breastmilk for your baby? Being concerned about Low milk supply can keep you up at night and fill you with worry and doubt. In fact, if you actually have a low milk supply in some cases, it is devastating. One thing to keep in mind is that milk supply is not a stable constant amount: our supply ebbs and flows. Within the normal breastfeeding process, there are times at our supply peaks and times when it dips. This is normal and to be expected. On today's episode of Apothecary Wisdom, and in this post, we are exploring the top 11 reasons for low milk supply. Your low supply issue could be a temporary problem that will resolve itself naturally or be something you need to address immediately! Watch this video or read this post to find out! Continue reading

What You Should Know About PCOS

What You Should Know About PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is so common these days, and it presents with a laundry list of unpleasant symptoms. Its cause is unknown. But the good news is there are lots of natural things we can do to improve the symptoms. Recognizing the symptoms of PCOS requires us to listen to our bodies and acknowledge that something is not quite right. This type of body awareness is essential because over half of the 10,000,000 women and girls who have PCOS are unaware that they even have it. I'm here today to help bring public awareness to this growing concern that modern women are facing. My goal is to help you recognize the messages from your body so together we can work to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms and avoid long term health consequences. 

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