The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Why Do I Have a Low Milk Supply?

Why Do I Have a Low Milk Supply?
Are you one of the millions of moms who wonder if you are making enough breastmilk for your baby? Being concerned about Low milk supply can keep you up at night and fill you with worry and doubt. In fact, if you actually have a low milk supply in some cases, it is devastating. One thing to keep in mind is that milk supply is not a stable constant amount: our supply ebbs and flows. Within the normal breastfeeding process, there are times at our supply peaks and times when it dips. This is normal and to be expected. On today's episode of Apothecary Wisdom, and in this post, we are exploring the top 11 reasons for low milk supply. Your low supply issue could be a temporary problem that will resolve itself naturally or be something you need to address immediately! Watch this video or read this post to find out! Continue reading

How to Treat Clogged Milk Ducts and Prevent Mastitis.

How to Treat Clogged Milk Ducts and Prevent Mastitis.

We all know the many benefits of breastfeeding for us and our babies. If we all know how healthy breastfeeding is, why is it that 80% of moms start nursing right after birth, and by 3 months, only half are still nursing? Because breastfeeding challenges are real. They keep you up at night, and they hurt! Issues like poor latch, tongue tie, sore nipples, low milk supply, problems with infant weight gain, clogged ducts, and mastitis are painful. They can be incredibly discouraging, especially if the mother does not have a reliable support system to help her through difficult times. 

Today's post is about how to treat clogged milk ducts and prevent mastitis. I'll give you practical midwifery tips that encourage and support you to continue to breastfeed your baby.

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How to Heal Sore Nipples from Breastfeeding

How to Heal Sore Nipples from Breastfeeding

If you have sore, cracked nipples from breastfeeding, you know how bad nursing your baby can hurt! This might sound like an exaggeration to say it's one of the worst (physical) sensation a mom has to endure. You cringe every time baby latches, bracing for the sharp, radiating pain. You hold your breath as baby sleeps, knowing that her waking up means another painful nursing session. Even the most dedicated breastfeeding mom has had the fleeting thought that it's too hard. 


Today's post is about what is causing your nipple pain and how to treat it so you can keep breastfeeding like the rock star that you are!

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Is My Baby Getting Enough Breastmilk?

Is My Baby Getting Enough Breastmilk?
For a new mama, nothing is more important than seeing her baby thrive and grow. Nursing a baby for the first time can be an overwhelming experience. Between making sure you have a good latch, dealing with sore nipples (what IS normal anyway?), and making sure you have snacks and water within reach, it is so easy to get frustrated. However, more than anything else, new mamas worry about their babies getting enough milk. Continue reading