The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Herbs for Hot Flashes in Menopause

Herbs for Hot Flashes in Menopause

 In this blog, we explore the transformative journey of menopause and offer insights on preparing for this phase of life. I will highlight and emphasize the importance of understanding menopause as a gradual process rather than a sudden event involving hormonal changes leading to various symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and more.

We explore and seek to change the cultural perception of menopause, challenging the negative stereotypes associated with this powerful time in a woman's life.

I will share a holistic approach to menopause preparation, incorporating herbal remedies, mindfulness practices, and nourishing habits by providing specific suggestions, such as spending time in nature, practicing meditation, incorporating Qigong movements, consuming nourishing herbal teas, black cohosh, and using adaptogenic herbs like Ashwagandha and Tulsi.

Plus, I give a DIY recipe that you can blend yourself to cool and alleviate hot flashes and night sweats.

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Exploring Herbal Support for Perimenopausal Women

Exploring Herbal Support for Perimenopausal Women

As a perimenopausal woman, you may be exploring which herbs and botanicals  can help manage the symptoms and challenges accompanying this natural life transition. Herbal medicine and women's wisdom are intertwined and rooted in nature and ancestral ways. We call this the wise woman way.


In this blog, I will share with you some of the most well-known and loved herbs for perimenopausal women. 




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Five Reasons to Try Liquid Chlorophyll

Five Reasons to Try Liquid Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll, the pigment that gives plants their green color, has been garnering attention for its potential health benefits. From its antioxidant properties to its potential effects on skin health and digestion, Chlorophyll may be worth adding to your daily herbal routine. This blog post explores the potential benefits of Chlorophyll and why it may be worth experiencing for yourself. Continue reading

Include Your Partner And Speak the Love Languages of Birth

Include Your Partner And Speak the Love Languages of Birth

I want to take time out and acknowledge all the awesome dads out there. Today's post is dedicated to the beautiful men in our lives. We will explore loving ways to communicate and how you can include and involve your partner in meaningful ways during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

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Healing After an Abortion- A Safe Place To Land

Healing After an Abortion- A Safe Place To Land

A Safe Place to Land

Now that you are on the other side of your experience. Now that it's over. Now that you're done. You can move on and get back to normal life just like it never happened. You can go back to work on Monday. At least that is what the vast majority of women are trying to do. Women are going on with their lives as if nothing happened. Yet the feelings of grief, fear, acceptance, regret, relief, keep surfacing, and women keep shoving the feelings back down so no one can see them as they smile and go back to normal life.

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25 Simple Ways To Improve Your Mood!

25 Simple Ways To Improve Your Mood!

We all have beautiful lives, and yet we have days when we feel like crap. Some days are better than others. And somedays are so crappy that it's hard to remember that things will turn around and we'll feel better. All the great days and challenging days are temporary. 


I realize that I don't know w the exact problem you are dealing with, and I can't fix or solve the problems. But, I can help you shift your mood. So, on today's episode of Apothecary Wisdom, I will share 25 simple tools that you can use immediately to improve your mood and your perspective.  

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Coping with Pregnancy Pain and Discomfort

Coping with Pregnancy Pain and Discomfort

Pregnancy is a time of great miracle and great strain. Our muscles are pulling in new ways to support new weight, joints become strained, circulation changes, and it all adds up to a bundle of pregnancy pain and discomforts.


Staying active and taking care of your growing body will help to keep some of it at bay. The real key is to understand what’s at the heart of your pregnancy pain and discomfort so that you can best address both the cause and the symptoms. Your body will tell you what it needs -- you just need to listen a bit closer than before.

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Self Care Tips for the Summer Solstice

Self Care Tips for the Summer Solstice
At this time, 25 years ago, I was in a Zen temple meditating with the monks. I had just turned 21 years old. That is when I learned about The Bodhisattva Vow. The Bodhisattva vow is a vow taken by Buddhists to liberate all sentient beings. When I first heard about the vow, I was like, No, thank you! I'm not that much of a team player. I'll walk my own path, but I'm not about to try to liberate all sentient beings! That is way too much pressure.

As we approach the Summer Solstice, today's Apothecary Wisdom is dedicated to sharing insights about what this vow really means and what we as a collective are experiencing and what I'm processing personally. Today, I'll share insights, mindfulness actions, and self-care tips that promote emotional stability and spiritual connection to the greater cycles of nature. Continue reading

When Will My Menstrual Cycle Return After Having a Baby

When Will My Menstrual Cycle Return After Having a Baby

There are several factors that play into how long it takes for your body to return to it’s full fertile cycle; meaning that you ovulate, your uterine lining is prepared to nurture a fertilized egg, and you menstruate. Although it is unlikely that you would get pregnant if your period has not returned, it is still possible. So, be careful! If you would not welcome a new pregnancy, use birth control that will be compatible with breastfeeding.

Our Cycle Relief herbal tincture can provide relief from painful cramps and heavy bleeding during your period after giving birth.

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Herbal Remedies for Heavy Period Bleeding in Perimenopause

Herbal Remedies for Heavy Period Bleeding in Perimenopause
Being a woman means you will bleed.  Not all blood is from wounds, nor does it have to always be dangerous, scary, or gross.  Bleeding is a natural, normal, and healthy part of a woman’s life. Beginning with menstruation, then during and after childbirth, and finally during menopause.  As a woman slowly changes hormonally during the process of menopause many women experience erratic menstrual cycles and sometimes heavy unexpected flows commonly referred to as “flooding.”  On today’s Apothecary Wisdom we’re continuing our conversation about menopause and menstrual flooding.  I’m so glad you’re here with me today.  Together we’re growing and learning more about woman’s wisdom, botanical wisdom and feminine power. Continue reading