The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Guide To Children's Coughs, Colds & Flus

Guide To Children's Coughs, Colds & Flus
The ultimate guide to children's coughs, colds and flus is a resource filled with valuable information about which herbs are safe for kids. Learn about how to use immune boosting herbs this cold and flu season to keep your kids healthy. Herbs can help sick kids feel better quickly and safely by working with their bodies immune systems.  You will learn how to cook with herbs and DIY herbal medicine making.  Check it out!
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Treat Childhood Fevers with Herbs

Treat Childhood Fevers with Herbs

Fevers are nature’s way to rid the body of infection and are actually a sign of a healthy immune system. On the other hand, they can be dangerous if they get too high or last too long. Children tend to run hotter than adults do, as well.

The good news is that there is a lot we can do to treat childhood fevers with herbs, and today we'll walk through some of the options. 

Children's Immune Boost tincture can help your little ones stay healthy all year long.

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