The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Back to School Resilience: Three Herbal Remedies for Kids Immune Systems

Back to School Resilience: Three Herbal Remedies for Kids Immune Systems
As kids gear up to head back to school, parents and caregivers are always on the lookout for ways to ensure their children's health and well-being. One effective approach is to support their immune systems through natural herbal remedies. We offer a range of herbal products designed to bolster kids' immunity and respiratory health, helping them stay strong and thrive in the school environment. Continue reading

Herbal Remedies for Back to School

Herbal Remedies for Back to School

The kids are going back to school just as the flu season kicks off. Now that all the kids are in close quarters, that slight cough or cold becomes harder for little bodies to defend against because they are so exhausted and stressed - illness is never preferable, and it always seems to hit at the worst times. Who wants to miss the big field trip or stay home sniffling when their friends are back at school playing with each other? As parents of more than one child, you know that means the sickness will make the rounds to the entire family.


Thankfully, we have lots of healthy herbs to build and strengthen our kids' immune systems as they go back to school so they can stay as healthy as possible even if they've been exposed to bacteria and viruses.

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RSV From Mild to Severe What You Need to Know

RSV From Mild to Severe What You Need to Know

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) pronounced Sin-sish-ul is a common viral infection.  It can be mild with cold like symptoms lasting 1-2 weeks, or it may require hospitalization.  In fact, RSV is the number 1 reason babies are hospitalized each year. There are outbreaks every fall through spring. The vast majority of babies under 2 years old will get RSV.  Fortunately only 2% of babies with RSV will need a high level of care.


Learn about how to manage mild to moderate RSV symptoms at home with naturally with herbal remedies. Also learn about high risk infants that may require hospitalization.

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4 of the Best Immune Boosting Herbal Teas for the Cold and Flu Season

4 of the Best Immune Boosting Herbal Teas for the Cold and Flu Season

Now is the time to cuddle up with a cup of herbal tea to warm you and keep your immune system strong and steady. Are you ready to receive the potent medicine and sturdy support from healing herbs?


In today's blog and episode of apothecary wisdom, I am sharing with you 4 of my favorite immune-boosting herbal teas for the cold and flu season.  I personally formulated these blends for very specific reasons. One is a general immune tea, and the other is to dry up wet coughs, the other is to moisten a dry cough, and the last one is to keep you feeling nourished, strong emotionally, and energetically stable.

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Six Immune Benefits of Astragalus Root

Six Immune Benefits of Astragalus Root

Let me share a little with you about an ancient and powerful herb that I have grown to love and rely upon for keeping myself and my family healthy for years!


I've written about Astragalus Root in our Herbs for Kids Online Course and Ebook and have even shared a delicious and immune-boosting soup recipe. Today, I'd like to share six powerful Immune benefits of Astragalus Root.

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5 Herbal Cough Remedies For Kids

5 Herbal Cough Remedies For Kids

As a busy mom, you’d love to just cuddle your coughing child until they feel better, but the world keeps moving and you’ve got to keep up. Those days were and are awful, and they weighed heavily on my mind as I chose herbs for a supportive tincture. 

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How To Treat A Fever With Herbs and Hydrotherapy

How To Treat A Fever With Herbs and Hydrotherapy

After you watch this 6 part video series about fevers you will be equipped with the facts and practical knowledge about fevers. You can watch Video 1 is the primary video that covers causes, symptoms, types, and treatments of fevers. Or you can watch the other shorter videos that cover the portion you are the most interested in.

Video 2 What is a fever? What are high and low-grade fevers in children and adults? Video 3 covers the causes of fevers. Video 4 teaches how to take care of a fever with herbs. Video 5 demonstrates how to manage a fever with hydrotherapy. Video 6 covers when to seek medical attention for a fever.

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Self Mastery How to Navigate Intense Emotions. No Mud. No Lotus.

Self Mastery How to Navigate Intense Emotions.  No Mud. No Lotus.
Wow! Here we are, 2020, in the middle of a global pandemic! Lots of us are experiencing waves of intense emotions and are looking for ways to stay centered in these extraordinary times of uncertainty.  Continue reading
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