The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Helping Your Child Focus at School and De-stress at Home

Helping Your Child Focus at School and De-stress at Home
As the new school year begins, many moms worry about their children's ability to stay focused in class and de-stress at home. Establishing a consistent routine, creating a conducive learning environment, encouraging physical activity, and providing balanced nutrition are key strategies to support your child's focus and well-being. Introducing mindfulness practices, herbal remedies like chamomile and lemon balm, and limiting screen time can also help manage stress and enhance concentration. By fostering open communication and encouraging hobbies, you can help your child navigate the school year with confidence and calm. Continue reading

Back to School Resilience: Three Herbal Remedies for Kids Immune Systems

Back to School Resilience: Three Herbal Remedies for Kids Immune Systems
As kids gear up to head back to school, parents and caregivers are always on the lookout for ways to ensure their children's health and well-being. One effective approach is to support their immune systems through natural herbal remedies. We offer a range of herbal products designed to bolster kids' immunity and respiratory health, helping them stay strong and thrive in the school environment. Continue reading

Herbal Remedies for Back to School

Herbal Remedies for Back to School

The kids are going back to school just as the flu season kicks off. Now that all the kids are in close quarters, that slight cough or cold becomes harder for little bodies to defend against because they are so exhausted and stressed - illness is never preferable, and it always seems to hit at the worst times. Who wants to miss the big field trip or stay home sniffling when their friends are back at school playing with each other? As parents of more than one child, you know that means the sickness will make the rounds to the entire family.


Thankfully, we have lots of healthy herbs to build and strengthen our kids' immune systems as they go back to school so they can stay as healthy as possible even if they've been exposed to bacteria and viruses.

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Six Immune Benefits of Astragalus Root

Six Immune Benefits of Astragalus Root

Let me share a little with you about an ancient and powerful herb that I have grown to love and rely upon for keeping myself and my family healthy for years!


I've written about Astragalus Root in our Herbs for Kids Online Course and Ebook and have even shared a delicious and immune-boosting soup recipe. Today, I'd like to share six powerful Immune benefits of Astragalus Root.

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