The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Stay Healthy As You Travel with Kids This Holiday Season

Stay Healthy As You Travel with Kids This Holiday Season
Whether you're traveling by car or by plane you have a lot to pack and prioritize when you travel as a family over the holidays.  There are lots of considerations that you need to keep track of and keeping your children healthy on the trip is a top priority.  It really takes the fun out of things if you are taking care of a sick child at a hotel or in the guest room of someone else's house, especially when you don't have your herbal remedies with you.    Continue reading

Six Immune Benefits of Astragalus Root

Six Immune Benefits of Astragalus Root

Let me share a little with you about an ancient and powerful herb that I have grown to love and rely upon for keeping myself and my family healthy for years!


I've written about Astragalus Root in our Herbs for Kids Online Course and Ebook and have even shared a delicious and immune-boosting soup recipe. Today, I'd like to share six powerful Immune benefits of Astragalus Root.

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