The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

RSV From Mild to Severe What You Need to Know

RSV From Mild to Severe What You Need to Know

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) pronounced Sin-sish-ul is a common viral infection.  It can be mild with cold like symptoms lasting 1-2 weeks, or it may require hospitalization.  In fact, RSV is the number 1 reason babies are hospitalized each year. There are outbreaks every fall through spring. The vast majority of babies under 2 years old will get RSV.  Fortunately only 2% of babies with RSV will need a high level of care.


Learn about how to manage mild to moderate RSV symptoms at home with naturally with herbal remedies. Also learn about high risk infants that may require hospitalization.

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Treat Childhood Fevers with Herbs

Treat Childhood Fevers with Herbs

Fevers are nature’s way to rid the body of infection and are actually a sign of a healthy immune system. On the other hand, they can be dangerous if they get too high or last too long. Children tend to run hotter than adults do, as well.

The good news is that there is a lot we can do to treat childhood fevers with herbs, and today we'll walk through some of the options. 

Children's Immune Boost tincture can help your little ones stay healthy all year long.

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