The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Herb Spotlight: Calendula Benefits

Herb Spotlight: Calendula Benefits

I combined calendula with other herbs in our postpartum herb bath to help aid in rapid perineal recovery and soothe hemorrhoids after giving birth. Calendula is also in our Nipple Salve, Diaper Salve and Healing Salve because it helps repair sore nipples, inflamed skin caused by diaper rash and it works as first aid skin care.  Calendula is why our Wound Recovery Spray cools a burn and Cesarean Recovery Spray leaves your incision feeling fresh and clean as your body heals.

Let me tell you a little more about this delightful plant and why you might want to grow some yourself...


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Diaper Rash Remedy that Works

Diaper Rash Remedy that Works
When you spot the first signs of a diaper rash, relief is all that’s on your mind. Judging by the inflamed, red, tender skin you see, your little one just wants to be soothed as well. If you’ve ever had skin chafing and irritated, you know how miserable it can be. You both just want a diaper rash remedy that actually works – and fast. Continue reading
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