The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

8 Do's and Don'ts of Umbilical Cord Care

8 Do's and Don'ts of Umbilical Cord Care

Yay, your baby is born! Now that you've clamped and cut the cord, how do you take care of it? What do you do to help dry the umbilical cord stump so it can heal and fall off faster? Watch today's video to learn about 8 Do's and Don'ts of Newborn Umbilical Cord Care and how to take care of it naturally.

Natural Umbilical Cord Care

Now that you've had you've cut the cord; you have to take care of it. I'll admit a newborn's umbilical stump can appear a little gnarly and intimidating. But don't worry! Taking care of it is really pretty simple and straight forward. Today I'm giving 8 guidelines to take care of your newborns' umbilical cord stump naturally and safely.


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Plantain: Nature's Best Anti-Itch Bug Bite Relief Remedy

Plantain: Nature's Best Anti-Itch Bug Bite Relief Remedy

Oh, sweet summertime! How I love you! The sun rises early and sets late. I get to spend more time in the garden and on long mountain hikes. Honestly, though, summertime in Arkansas is both beautiful and brutal! We have so many bugs, ticks, mosquitos, and chiggers. Fortunately, we also have fireflies! No seriously, during the summer, my whole family is riddled with itchy bug bites and insect stings for months.  

Today I'm going to share one of my favorite summertime herbs with you. Plantain is one of the best natural anti-itch bug bite relief remedy known to humankind! Stick around if you can relate to loving summer and needing relief from all the itchy bug bites.  

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Top 4 Herbal Products for Babies

Top 4 Herbal Products for Babies

I'm not one to advocate a large stash of gadgets and products for babies. Instead, keep a few multi-purpose must-have items on hand. That way, you are not overly cluttered with duplicate items in your house. 


Having said that, these are the four herbal products for babies that I consider necessary items.

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Perineal Care After Childbirth

Perineal Care After Childbirth

One of the most common fears associated with childbirth is having a vaginal tear. Let me start by powerfully and honestly reminding you that your body is fully capable of giving birth and recovering completely. Your pelvic floor and vagina are made to give birth. Even if the muscles of your pelvic floor stretch and tear, they are woven together like a basket.  They are meant to expand, stretch and bounce back to its previous size. Your brilliant body is great at opening up completely and closing right back again.  However, having realistic expectations and some basic supplies will help you have a smooth postpartum recovery even if you have a perineal tear.

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Self Care Must Haves for New Moms

Self Care Must Haves for New Moms
Your postpartum time with your new baby can be a magical time of bonding, snuggles, sweet baby sounds, breastfeeding, healing, and rest. It can also be exhausting, frustrating, physically uncomfortable, and challenging. Focusing on your own care means you will more easily be able to care for your newborn. For many of us, it is hard to put our own needs first - as women we often focus on what is best for the whole group, and put our individual needs behind others. However, when you have just given birth and are caring for a newborn, your needs and the baby’s needs work together in a special way. When you are taken care of, it is easier for you to take care of your baby. Now is the time to focus on what is best for you and your newborn. Continue reading

Using Herbs for Easy Umbilical Cord Care

Using Herbs for Easy Umbilical Cord Care

Cutting the cord is such a momentous occasion that it’s become a metaphor for a transition into independence. But after the ceremonial cut is over and the beautiful moment has passed, what you’re left with is anything but beautiful. Umbilical cord care can be annoying at best and an infection risk at worst. Learn here how to use herbs to help the cord stump heal better, faster, and safer.

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How to Use Leftover Birth Song Products

How to Use Leftover Birth Song Products

During your pregnancy, you enjoyed Lady in Waiting tea to nourish your body and prepare your uterus. Afterward, you soothed your body and hormones with Nourished Mother and gave your body what it needed to make milk with Let There Be Milk and Nursing Nectar. You might have even used Fertile Ground to help encourage fertility to become pregnant in the first place! Your baby was wrapped in herbal goodness from his first Postpartum Herb Bath to the Cord Care Powder and Diaper Salve that helped protect and heal his body as it adjusted to the new world. But now he’s getting bigger, his cord long gone, your uterus is back to normal and your milk supply has regulated...and you’ve got a stash of products just sitting around. Now what?

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Diaper Rash Remedy that Works

Diaper Rash Remedy that Works
When you spot the first signs of a diaper rash, relief is all that’s on your mind. Judging by the inflamed, red, tender skin you see, your little one just wants to be soothed as well. If you’ve ever had skin chafing and irritated, you know how miserable it can be. You both just want a diaper rash remedy that actually works – and fast. Continue reading