Treating A Fever With Hydrotherapy

When our children experience a fever or even when we experience fever, our body is alerting us of something. We know there are different categories and grades of fever, but now let's talk about treating the fever when necessary. Hydrotherapy is a great choice when treating fever and can be easily done at home. Tune in to Apothecary Wisdom to learn how you can incorporate Hydrotherapy into your care routine when you or your loved ones are experiencing a fever.
The book I referenced in this video is titled:
Home Remedies Hydrotherapy, Massage, Charcoal and Other Simple Treatments Written by Agatha Thrash, M.D & Calvin Thrash, M.D
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Remember to drink deep and always walk in beauty
***This is for educational purposes. I am not a doctor. I do not intend to treat, diagnose, or cure any disease or illness. What you do with this information is entirely your personal responsibility.
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