The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Four Common Breastfeeding Problems and Solutions

Four Common Breastfeeding Problems and Solutions
Breastfeeding doesn’t always go as smoothly as we hope. Here are 4 common breastfeeding roadblocks that may unexpectedly come up and affect your breastfeeding experience negatively. But don’t lose hope, momma, you and your nursling can work around most things and still have a wonderful breastfeeding experience. There are solutions to most breastfeeding difficulties, and we are here to help you find them. Continue reading

The First Few Weeks of Breastfeeding

The First Few Weeks of Breastfeeding

The first few weeks of breastfeeding can be overwhelming, frustrating, exhausting, and wonderfully sweet. Knowing what is normal and preparing yourself and your environment beforehand can help you immeasurably. Taking care of yourself and taking care of your baby are ideally your only jobs at first, and you and your baby deserve that golden time of rest, healing, and connection.

 For herbal self care and breastfeeding products, go HERE.

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Breastfeeding Saves Sleep

Breastfeeding Saves Sleep
What if there was a way that you could get the rest you need, your baby could get the attention they need, and everyone could get a good night's sleep? Breastfeeding can help a lot when it comes to sleep. In addition to the numerous benefits to mom and baby, breastfeeding can actually help new parents to get more sleep. Continue reading

Safe Co Sleeping with Your Baby

Safe Co Sleeping with Your Baby
Tired and loving parents fall asleep cuddling their babies every day. This happens even if you don’t mean for it to. Breastfeeding hormones are soothing and relaxing to the mother as well as the baby. You are snuggled in and warm with your baby, and you both drift off to sleep while your baby is breastfeeding, both of you settled into the safety and comfort you find in each other. This is totally normal and natural. Continue reading

Re-Lactation and Induced Lactation: Breastfeeding After a Break or When You Never Have

Re-Lactation and Induced Lactation: Breastfeeding After a Break or When You Never Have
Breastfeeding after a period of not lactating is possible! If you changed your mind and want to breastfeed your baby longer, or if you couldn’t breastfeed for a period of time because of illness or a needed medication - no matter the reason, you can breastfeed your baby again. Did you know that’s it is also possible to induce lactation if you have never given birth or been pregnant? Relactation is bringing your milk back after a period of not lactating. Induced lactation is making milk when you have not previously. Continue reading

How to Include Your Partner While Breastfeeding

How to Include Your Partner While Breastfeeding
A new baby takes all of your attention in the sweetest way possible. This new, demanding member of your family can bring you all together in new and wonderful ways. Sometimes, as women, it’s easy to get stuck in the mindset of taking care of everything ourselves, including your new baby. However, by including your partner in the care of your newborn, you can make this time a little bit easier for you, and facilitate some sweet bonding time for your partner and baby. Continue reading

Is My Baby Getting Enough Milk?

Is My Baby Getting Enough Milk?
For a new mama, nothing is more important than seeing her baby thrive and grow. Nursing a baby for the first time can be an overwhelming experience. Between making sure you have a good latch, dealing with sore nipples (what IS normal anyway?), and making sure you have snacks and water within reach, it is so easy to get frustrated. However, more than anything else, new mamas worry about their babies getting enough milk. Continue reading

Breastfeeding a Pre-Term Baby

Breastfeeding a Pre-Term Baby

For all of the planning and dreaming we might do, birth is never quite what we think it will be. When the unexpected brings baby out sooner, plans can change in dramatic ways. The good news is, the milk you make for a pre-term baby is just as good as for one born closer to term. Actually, it’s even better.

Breastfeeding a pre-term baby has its challenges, and it might not even look like normal breastfeeding for awhile. But the antibodies and nutrients that your milk provides are life-saving and worth every drop of effort.

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Breastfeeding Twins

Breastfeeding Twins

It’s always a journey to establish your breastfeeding relationship. Twice the babies seems like twice the efforts and logistics. When you are breastfeeding twins, the things that apply to a single baby aren’t quite the same. In some ways, it might be easier, and in other ways it will be more challenging. Knowing what to expect can help you successfully breastfeed your twins. 

Our Nursing Nectar tea is a wonderful way to support your body when you are breastfeeding twins.

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Breastfeeding Immediately After Birth

Breastfeeding Immediately After Birth
During pregnancy and throughout labor, we look forward to the moments after birth as the finish line. In many ways, it is. You wait and work for the moment when your baby’s velvet skin touches yours. But in no way does that mean your body’s work has ended. Yes, parenting work is about to begin, but there are also big changes, hormonal shifts, and developmental milestones about to happen within the very first hour after birth. Breastfeeding immediately after birth connects mom and baby in these moments of change to help improve their bond and latch for the rest of their breastfeeding relationship. Continue reading