The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Home Birth Supplies List

Home Birth Supplies List

For the laboring mother, the work of birth is internal. You’re focusing on breathing and your baby as you move toward that moment when her velvet skin will be on your chest. Meanwhile, the birth team is busy with their own tasks, which aren’t so self-contained. They'll use tools and supplies from beginning to end to help you move through birth as comfortably as possible. Though birth will happen no matter what, some important supplies can help your team support you in safe and comforting ways.

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Hiring A Home Birth Midwife Starts with an Effective Consultation

Hiring A Home Birth Midwife Starts with an Effective Consultation

Did you just find out you are pregnant and are starting to look for a midwife? Awesome and congratulations! You are in the right place at the right time because Today's episode of Apothecary Wisdom is dedicated to helping you hire the best midwife for your home birth by preparing you to have an effective consultation. I want you to know what to do before, during, and after your consultation so you can have the safe and empowering home birth you desire.


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50 questions to ask your Midwife, OB, and Doula

50 questions to ask your Midwife, OB, and Doula

Hey there! Are you pregnant and looking for more information about midwives and doulas?  Awesome, I’m so glad you’re here because today's episode of Apothecary Wisdom is focused on giving a overview of the crucial distinctions and scope of practice of the different types of midwives, obstetricians, and doulas. 


Working in the birth community has revealed that the general public is unclear about the important distinctions and differences of these essential birth workers-their training, and the services they provide.  Knowing the scope of practice of the birth professional you are about to hire for your birth is critical in order for you to be informed and have realistic expectations about your care and upcoming birth.

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Benefits of Delayed Cord Clamping

Benefits of Delayed Cord Clamping

Wow, you did it! Your baby was just born. Wait! Please don't cut the cord. It hasn't finished pulsating yet. Your baby needs a few minutes to complete the birth process and receive all of its blood from the placenta. This process is super important. Watch today's video to discover the benefits of delayed cord clamping and why it's so critical and how delayed cord clamping can save lives.


Let me show you how much blood is retained in the placenta when we cut the cord immediately.

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Birth Plan Template For Home Birth- Have An Empowering Birth At Home

Birth Plan Template For Home Birth- Have An Empowering Birth At Home

As a midwife, I really enjoy the anticipation that comes before birth. The way women prepare, expect, and dream about birth is absolutely beautiful and powerful. One aspect of preparing for a safe homebirth, is writing a birth plan. A homebirth birth plan is an essential component of an active and informed birth. 


Knowing how to write an effective birth plan is a crucial part of this preparation process. Over the years, I've helped hundreds of women write their homebirth birth plans. One thing is abundantly clear, the women who feel good about how their births went (no matter how it unfolded) were realistically prepared for the intensity and reality of birth. They were not simply lucky. They actively prepared their minds, bodies, souls, partners, and homes for the birth experience.  

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Why Home Birth is Safer Than The Hospital- For Natural Birth

Why Home Birth is Safer Than The Hospital- For Natural Birth

I can't tell you how many times I've sat down with a couple discussing their birth options only to hear the woman is desiring a beautiful body led, natural birth and her partner or other family members think she is being foolish, naive, selfish and or dangerous.


In this post, I am covering the most popular benefits of home birth and my personal top 3 reasons why I know home birth is way better than hospital birth, for healthy low risk women who want a natural physiological birth.


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Self Care Must Have Items for Birth

Self Care Must Have Items for Birth

...taking care of yourself during your labor and delivery and immediate postpartum period is so vitally important. Birth calls upon your strength in ways you may not have experienced before. Providing the environment for that strength to fully emerge is what self care is all about.

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Hospital Bag Checklist

Hospital Bag Checklist

Most of us struggle to pack light for a weekend away. Packing for night or two at the hospital, while you’re giving birth, and then when you have a new addition to the family can be more than overwhelming! What do you need? What does your birth support person need? What does your baby need? The possibilities can seem endless and impossible to navigate. Before you know it, you’ve got three bags full, including half of your baby’s newborn wardrobe. So what do you actually need to pack in your hospital bag? Lets break it down for planned labors, planned C-sections, and planned home births in case of transfer.

For labor and birth support products, go HERE.

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Different Kinds of Doula Services for Birth and Postpartum

Different Kinds of Doula Services for Birth and Postpartum
Did you know that there are different kinds of doulas? A doula may focus her practice on only the prenatal and birth period. Or she could be a postpartum doula or a sibling doula. Some doulas may offer all these services, or a different combination all-together! Continue reading

Children at Birth- Pros and Cons

Children at Birth- Pros and Cons
Having siblings in the room during birth can create an incredible bond for kids of any age. Younger children benefit from being witness to the transition from mommy’s growing belly to a baby in arms. Older children can benefit from the emotional intensity of birth and what it takes to bring a baby into the world. Today, we will talk about how you can prepare yourself, your family, and your environment for the process of birth. Continue reading