The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Cesarean Recovery and Postpartum Tips

Cesarean Recovery and Postpartum Tips

All birth is beautiful, and no two births are alike. Similarly, healing in the postpartum phase is unique to each mama, baby, and birthing experience. C-sections are often overlooked in this. Now that you are home with your baby, knowing how to heal and recover from a cesarean section as you step into the new territory of motherhood is crucial to your well being and wholeness as a woman. 



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The Birth Song Botanicals Guide to Motherwort Herb

The Birth Song Botanicals Guide to Motherwort Herb
Modern motherwort uses are undoubtedly informed by its history as an herb with rich medicinal potential. Occasionally called a cardiotonic, some of its main uses relate to the reproductive system and the heart, where many people feel and hold a great deal of tension and anxiety. Motherwort also provides nervine support, and because it alleviates these nervous feelings, herbalists use the plant to release the feelings from the physical body as well. Continue reading

Yoni Steam- The Sacred Origin, The Herbs, and How To Steam

Yoni Steam- The Sacred Origin, The Herbs, and How To Steam

Hello Beautiful! Have you experienced a yoni steam?

On today’s episode of Apothecary Wisdom, we’ll explore the restorative practice of yoni steams. There is a lot you need to know about them. Yoni steams offer us the to restore the disconnect from our female body, yoni/uterus, whether that be from birth, unsatisfying intimate experiences, trauma, abuse, surgeries, or just cultural disconnect.

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Include Your Partner And Speak the Love Languages of Birth

Include Your Partner And Speak the Love Languages of Birth

I want to take time out and acknowledge all the awesome dads out there. Today's post is dedicated to the beautiful men in our lives. We will explore loving ways to communicate and how you can include and involve your partner in meaningful ways during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

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Breastfeeding While Sick

Breastfeeding While Sick

Bonding with your child and providing them with nutrition make breastfeeding a magical experience. Sometimes, though, it doesn’t feel all that wonderful. When you’re sick and still breastfeeding, you might feel drained and worn out. You might wonder whether it’s safe to keep breastfeeding while sick. The short answer is that – in the vast majority of cases – you absolutely can continue breastfeeding while sick. The long answer tells us a lot about breastfeeding and how you and your baby interact.

To purchase milk production aids, go HERE.

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Breastfeeding in Public

Breastfeeding in Public

In many ways, the first days and weeks with your new baby are just the two of you—mama and baby, learning each other and figuring out your new normal. Sure, there are usually others around. Your partner, grandparents, maybe baby’s siblings. But it’s hardly “breastfeeding in public.”

There’s something of a bubble around mama and baby. No matter what’s going on around you, there’s always going to be a different sort of bond between the two of you. The rest of the world fades away. For awhile, as you’re resting and recovering from birth, it really can be just the two of you. But eventually, the baby moon will end and you’ll need to venture into the outside world, and that’s when the question of breastfeeding in public arises.

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Safe Herbs for Breastfeeding With A Cold

Safe Herbs for Breastfeeding With A Cold
It's pretty miserable when you have a hacking cough, body aches, and a fever from a cold and the flu, especially when you're breastfeeding a baby! You're uncomfortable with your symptoms, and you're concerned that your baby might get sick too. Nursing moms have to be cautious about what medicine and herbs they can take while they are sick. So, today's episode of apothecary wisdom will help you know what herbs and natural remedies are safe for breastfeeding with a cold. You have too much on your shoulders to be sick for long!  Continue reading

25 Simple Ways To Improve Your Mood!

25 Simple Ways To Improve Your Mood!

We all have beautiful lives, and yet we have days when we feel like crap. Some days are better than others. And somedays are so crappy that it's hard to remember that things will turn around and we'll feel better. All the great days and challenging days are temporary. 


I realize that I don't know w the exact problem you are dealing with, and I can't fix or solve the problems. But, I can help you shift your mood. So, on today's episode of Apothecary Wisdom, I will share 25 simple tools that you can use immediately to improve your mood and your perspective.  

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How to Treat Clogged Milk Ducts and Prevent Mastitis.

How to Treat Clogged Milk Ducts and Prevent Mastitis.

We all know the many benefits of breastfeeding for us and our babies. If we all know how healthy breastfeeding is, why is it that 80% of moms start nursing right after birth, and by 3 months, only half are still nursing? Because breastfeeding challenges are real. They keep you up at night, and they hurt! Issues like poor latch, tongue tie, sore nipples, low milk supply, problems with infant weight gain, clogged ducts, and mastitis are painful. They can be incredibly discouraging, especially if the mother does not have a reliable support system to help her through difficult times. 

Today's post is about how to treat clogged milk ducts and prevent mastitis. I'll give you practical midwifery tips that encourage and support you to continue to breastfeed your baby.

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How to Nurture a New Mom

How to Nurture a New Mom
After giving birth, a new mother goes through tremendous changes physically, emotionally, and hormonally. She changes more during the first 72 hours postpartum than she does during her entire pregnancy! Her body is no longer dominated by progesterone and estrogen. Now, she is under the influence of lactogen and prolactin, two wonderful feel-good hormones that make it possible for her to nurse her newborn. Continue reading