The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Tracking Your Cycle: With The Fertility Awareness Method

Tracking Your Cycle: With The Fertility Awareness Method

How often have you heard women's menstrual cycle is 28 days, and you ovulate on day 14?

This is a myth that is widely accepted as truth. Sadly this misunderstanding is the cause of countless unwanted pregnancies. And, this myth has prevented many couples who desired a pregnancy from attaining one. 

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How to Enjoy Your Period

How to Enjoy Your Period

What messages are in your menstrual cycles?  

Today, let's connect with our wombs and practice listening, observing, and learning from our bodies. There is so much information stored in our blood, breast, bones, and breath. It takes patience, curiosity, and compassion to be a good listener.

Often we feel vulnerable, and our periods are private personal experiences. I think we feel that way because our blood comes from deep inside us. It comes from the most amazingly creative and productive space in our bodies: that space that no one can feel but us. I mean, so many things come from there. From mucus to blood, clots, amniotic fluid, and babies to art, businesses, healing practices, to everything in between.  

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Herbal Remedies for Heavy Period Bleeding in Perimenopause

Herbal Remedies for Heavy Period Bleeding in Perimenopause
Being a woman means you will bleed.  Not all blood is from wounds, nor does it have to always be dangerous, scary, or gross.  Bleeding is a natural, normal, and healthy part of a woman’s life. Beginning with menstruation, then during and after childbirth, and finally during menopause.  As a woman slowly changes hormonally during the process of menopause many women experience erratic menstrual cycles and sometimes heavy unexpected flows commonly referred to as “flooding.”  On today’s Apothecary Wisdom we’re continuing our conversation about menopause and menstrual flooding.  I’m so glad you’re here with me today.  Together we’re growing and learning more about woman’s wisdom, botanical wisdom and feminine power. Continue reading

The Relationship Between Breastfeeding and Menstruation

The Relationship Between Breastfeeding and Menstruation

The intricacies of the human body are almost magical, with no one system or function working entirely on its own. Within a mother’s body, the processes that lead to menstruation, pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding are all interconnected. Just a handful of hormones can dictate each of these functions, with different organs and actions responding in their own way. A fascinating and, sometimes, bewildering example of this is the relationship between menstruation and breastfeeding.

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How to Use Leftover Birth Song Products

How to Use Leftover Birth Song Products

During your pregnancy, you enjoyed Lady in Waiting tea to nourish your body and prepare your uterus. Afterward, you soothed your body and hormones with Nourished Mother and gave your body what it needed to make milk with Let There Be Milk and Nursing Nectar. You might have even used Fertile Ground to help encourage fertility to become pregnant in the first place! Your baby was wrapped in herbal goodness from his first Postpartum Herb Bath to the Cord Care Powder and Diaper Salve that helped protect and heal his body as it adjusted to the new world. But now he’s getting bigger, his cord long gone, your uterus is back to normal and your milk supply has regulated...and you’ve got a stash of products just sitting around. Now what?

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