The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Tracking Your Cycle: With The Fertility Awareness Method

Tracking Your Cycle: With The Fertility Awareness Method

How often have you heard women's menstrual cycle is 28 days, and you ovulate on day 14?

This is a myth that is widely accepted as truth. Sadly this misunderstanding is the cause of countless unwanted pregnancies. And, this myth has prevented many couples who desired a pregnancy from attaining one. 

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Treating A Fever With Hydrotherapy

Treating A Fever With Hydrotherapy
We know there are different categories and grades of fever, but now let's talk about treating the fever when necessary. Hydrotherapy is a great choice when treating fever and can be easily done at home.  Continue reading

Birth Song Can Help You Get More Sleep

Birth Song Can Help You Get More Sleep
Each of our days are filled to the brim with so many tasks and obligations, we sometimes forget how this can impact us later when we are finally able to tune out and rest at the end of a long day. Birth Song Botanicals is here to help you achieve that deep relaxation and sleep our bodies need. Continue reading

Hypnotic Herbs for Deep Healing Sleep

Hypnotic Herbs for Deep Healing Sleep
On this episode of Apothecary Wisdom, we explore a class of herbs called Hypnotics. Hypnotic herbs offer a plethora of support when looking to remedy insomnia and achieve a deep, satisfying sleep. Continue reading